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150 items found for ""

  • Clover Valencia

    link Age: 19 - Born in Germania and has never once been anywhere but - Comes from a family of farmers, but she works at a business directly associated with House Drakensang that tries to create new crops that can grow bigger and better than ever - Very genki - Actually a bit of a weirdo for how normal she looks, because most of Germania is filled with demi-humans - Because of that, boys don't usually like her, and she hates that! - Has absolutely no idea about the war and probably won't for a long time, because it takes so long for news to reach Germania. - Thinks Nexus is cool and wishes she could go ride him.

  • Lavender la Reyne

    Faceclaim Age: 18 Affiliation: Insomnia / Self Defense Force -A young, quiet girl who signed up for the force as soon as the war was declared. -She’s not anything special in terms of skill, but makes up for it in her dedication. -Loves Insomnia very much and is deeply religious – she’s quiet, but her squadmates are pretty sure she’s obsessed with the Insomniacs and the events of the Second Ascension. -Believes Killer Queen will come back and save them on the battlefield. -Heard from her parents that a dragon was the enemy of their hero, and so because of that, Lavender’s bought into the rhetoric that Silver was behind taking down Killer Queen, Sister Nevaeh, and Apheresis. -Despises Silver and refuses to believe anything good about that country of despicable, barbaric people. Everyone should just be peaceful like Insomnia. -Though she believes the Insomniacs will come back, she’ll keep fighting until they do.

  • Kirei Gunmetal

    Faceclaim ; alternate Age: 20 Affiliation: Insomnia / Self Defense Force -She was an Insomnia social media influencer; ran a popular online fashion blog and reviewed food online. -Would also do interviews with Insomnia celebrities and sometimes attended big events. -Since Kirei’s blog popular with lots of young people, she was hired as a publicist for the Self Defense Force. -At the time, she didn’t realize joining the Self Defense Force would involve her actually being trained for combat… which cut off her media access, and after a few weeks, her blog shuttered down in popularity. -Sort of bitter about it, since her absence gave rise to other influencers and it’s impossible to re-enter the field. -But whatever, now she knows how to shoot a gun so that’s cool? And gets to stare at cute guys fighting all day? -Below average to average in just about everything practical, but damn if she isn’t good at getting intel. -Definitely a gossip; has formed a clique in SDF. -Also absolutely loves ice cream, would have it every day for every meal if they’d let her.

  • Tatiana (Ana) Chaar

    link Age: 20 Height: 4'10 - Was born in Ceriasus to a family who was not in good favor with House Fannar - Her parents had attempted to assassinate the oligarch that had been in charge at the time before she was born to try and end the corruption - Didn't work, and the two had gone on the run - Her father died before she was born while helping make sure her parents escaped - After traveling from place to place hidden on a trade ship, her mother ended up in Insomnia - Her mom gave birth to her on the streets, with the help of other homeless refugees. - Due to the stress her mom endured, she was born with numerous complication - The most apparent and long lasting of these was that she was totally blind - Still, her and her mom lived for the next sixteen years around the wharf working together with other homeless to survive - She was approached by someone working in the defense force one day, offering to help her out in exchange for her recruitment - Seeing it as a way that she could get her mother into a proper home and could possibly help the other refugees they lived around, she agreed - Her mother wasn't thrilled about it, but she didn't get in her daughter's way - The defense force paid for her to get cybernetic eyes, which made her vision better than anyone else. - Due to her upbringing, she's awkward around others and doesn't understand the always outgoing and happy personalities of actual Insomnians - Most people usually avoid her, and there's been people who have spread rumors that they replaced her brain with a robot's too since she's so peculiar - Regardless, she's a fast runner and climber, and she is far more resilient than others. She knows how to survive with very little. - Never learned to read or write since she was blind and never went to school, but she's gotten a little better since she joined five years ago. - She works best as a scout, due to her eyesight. Being that she's only 4'10, she doesn't make for a good fighter.

  • Merc

    Original (#1); Alt faceclaim; alt faceclaim 2; alt faceclaim 3 Age: 32 Affiliation: His only loyalty is to the bottom line, baby. Switches allegiance more than the seasons, it seems. -Only goes by Merc, and it’s a perfect nickname. -He’s from a different country, so he has zero loyalty to anyone or anything. Well, that’s not necessarily true – he can be loyal. It just… has a pricetag. -Merc has been to Insomnia before, selling advanced weaponry to Leo. However, at the time, Merc was working on behalf of his employer – Leo didn’t know anything about the true origin of the weapons, just that Merc was the guy. -Knowing Merc could be bought and had no loyalty, Leo told Ellis he would be a worthwhile addition to the team. -So, Ellis is paying Merc to work for the Insomnia Self-Defense Force. The pay is better than where he was, and now he’s a weapons and firearms instructor for the Self-Defense Force. -Has been for about five years now. -He loves Insomnia technology and is more adept at using it than some engineers. Merc can be found reading about the latest developments of technology; though they’ve stagnated since everyone is focusing on self-defense. -The neon lines on his neck are an experimental piece of technology some Insomnia engineers were developing; they’re implanted nanomachines that can reflect light and render the user invisible. -At the cost of having a glow-in-the-dark tattoo otherwise. Who knows what side effects it'll have in the future, not that Merc seems to care about that - or anything, other than the economy. -Merc will not ever talk about where he’s from. He'll go out drinking with the guys, be friendly and a bro, but go completely professional when someone starts asking probing questions. -Even Leo, who has been dealing with him for years, doesn't know his actual name. -Is perfectly sociable otherwise, but Merc’s a mercenary through and through – he told Ellis when Ellis hired him that the second Silver offers him more money, he’ll turn on everyone without a second thought. -Everyone knows he means it. Merc told Silver what Insomnia was paying him, even. -But probably needs that money for something…. Right?

  • Perscia Alpine

    Faceclaim (#2) Age: 27 Affiliation: Silver / House Silver -Servant of House Silver, Perscia is House Silver’s groundskeeper. -Grew up on farmland under House Rosenburg in Thule, Perscia always heard of the legendary gardens of the Silver estate. -She dreamed of being picked as Silver’s groundskeeper, and not only learned about landscaping, agriculture, and natural flora and fauna, but she also learned how to use agricultural equipment in a fight. -Perscia can use a scythe, garden shears, and even swing around a rake like the best of them. -Why? Many people across the nation had the same aspiration as her, and she wanted to stand out. -Seventeen years ago, Rudy and Margaret visited Thule on a trip and Perscia took a chance to impress them. She managed to get a thirty second audience with him. -But her goal wasn’t to impress Rudy. At least, not directly. It was to impress Margaret. -She used that time to present her with a beautiful bouquet in which she had grown all the flowers and designed it herself. Perscia had heard of the couple’s favorite flowers and had thoughtfully put something together. -And…. she might have slipped in that she was very proficient with wielding a shovel and could protect House Silver should the Insomnians attack. -Imagine a ten year-old very solemnly swearing to protect the most powerful and important couple of Silver... with a shovel? -That certainly got a chuckle out of them, and Rudy and Margaret decided to give Perscia a chance to study under the then-groundskeeper. -Perscia flourished, took over as head groundskeeper when the previous one retired, and has been a loyal servant of House Silver since then. -And don’t you worry, Perscia upholds her words and remembers what she said seventeen years ago – she still practices fighting with her gardening equipment. -It gets quite a laugh out of anyone who sees her, but she’s deadly serious about it and will challenge anyone who derides her to a duel. -If Insomnia invades, she’s not going to be a useless servant – she’ll be damned if the Insomnians stomp all over the gardens.

  • Rutherford von Martiin Silver V (Junior)

    Faceclaim (alt) Age: 19 Affiliation: Silver / House Silver -His father is Rudy’s son, and he carries the family name. Though he’s the fifth, he’ll most often go by Junior. -Doesn’t particularly like his name and gets made fun of quite a bit, but with three Rutherfords alive it gets confusing otherwise, and his father usually goes by Ford. -Engaged to Sylvestra and loves her deeply. -Hung out with Joaquin for awhile when Joaquin was jailed in the House Silver “prison”, so Junior’s closer to House Delgado than the other houses. -He’s pretty jealous of his older sister Felda for being the favorite to take over for House Silver, and constantly tries to show his merit and get his grandfather’s attention in subtle ways. -He’s the one who has the stupid name, dammit!! -For example, Junior asked Audric to train him in horseback riding and has asked House Corvus if he could spent time there learning about medicine and technology -Even though he joins the spoiled brat club with Lukas, and Junior’s attempts at trying to outshine his cousin are painfully obvious, Junior’s not a bad kid so people tend to not mind entertaining him. -He can be surprisingly mature when it comes to his fiancee. -He knows all of House Silver servants’ names and is working on memorizing all 2000 of Felda’s soldiers’ names... because he knows Felda hasn’t yet memorized them all. -Made it a point to know more languages than Felda, and is always studying or learning a skill when he’s not rabblerousing with House Delgado. -Interestingly, despite Felda’s impressive position with the Silver army, Junior doesn’t serve with the army. That’s one area he isn’t outwardly competing with his sister.

  • Ike Caramello

    Faceclaim (#1, 2, 8, 40) Age: 21 Affiliation: Insomnia / Self Defense Force (Medic) -Ike is a young medical student, having just graduated from med school as a general practitioner. -Did an internship at Lance’s clinic for two summers; so got to know the Cramoisi family. -Cares deeply about people and is very empathetic… almost too empathetic. -Lance has scolded him a few times for being too affected; Ike once delivered a diagnosis in tears which resulted in the patient comforting Ike. -After hearing about how concerned the Cramoisis were about Gale, and further fueled by the war propaganda, Ike signed up to be a medic for the self defense force. -He’s shy and emotional, but damn he can bandage wounds through tears like the best of them. -He gets frozen in place during training scenarios, but usually once someone yells at him he can put his training to use and is quite effective at identifying and treating wounds on site. -You’ll probably see him slapping his cheeks and telling himself to get it together, before running out to the battlefield to wrap up any wounds. -Ike isn’t good at anything else in terms of military, he learned how to shoot a gun but cried his first time firing. -He's dependable though, even though he might freeze or panic for a few seconds, Ike will always pull through and do what needs to be done. -He cares too much to do nothing.

  • Cadmus Firnen

    Faceclaim Age: 26 Affiliation: Silver / House Fannar -Grew up in a remote village of Ceriasus, but was bullied mercilessly because of his bright red hair – in a region where most people have pale hair/skin/eyes, he stood out and was considered bad luck. -Got stoned once by the townspeople, and unfortunately a rock to his eye made him lose the majority of his vision. -House Fannar visited the village fortuitously during this time, and told the townspeople to stop what they were doing. -Ryulia and Errol took Cadmus back to the dragon farms and told him he could have a job washing the dragons’ scales. -The dragons were more nonjudgmental than the people of his village were, and he connected with one dragon in particular. -Seeing their bond, Ryulia enlisted him and his snow white dragon Glaurung for her dragon knight platoon. -Pretty loyal to House Fannar and Silver. He speaks a little Common Silver, but is fluent in common Ceriasi and his local village dialect – which only about 200 or so people speak. -Actually loves Platina and being stationed there, because of the diversity of people. -Wears a dagger on his hip but it’s mostly because it’s part of the uniform/ceremonial purposes; he can’t fight in a hand-to-hand situation because of his poor eyesight. -Likes the beach even though he burns in direct sunlight – beaches don’t really exist in Ceriasus, and it doesn’t take a lot of vision or talent to make sandcastles.

  • Eborsisk Colchian

    Faceclaim (1) Age: 33 Affiliation: Silver Bio: - Ebor grew up in harsh Ceriasus, in a family of dragon farmhands and shepherds. -To prevent the injured or baby dragons and wyverns who can’t yet fly from running away, Ceriasus typically uses hardy snow wolves to reign them in. -Ebor connected more with the canines than the reptiles, especially not after his sister was attacked by a dragon and lost full mobility. -During the uprising of Rubidium, Ebor and his wolves were the only Ceriasus resources Ryulia spared to go fight – even though he was just a teenager at the time. -Afterwards, he got stationed in Platina with two of his snow wolves – to respond to anything more drastic that happens in the capital – like a fleeing fugitive. -His Common Silver is pretty broken and he’s embarrassed that people struggle to understand him when he speaks, which results in him only saying short phrases. -Like most Ceriasi people, he’s standoffish anyway – but turns into a different person when he’s alone with his puppies. (Who are not puppies, but try telling Ebor that) -Currently serves under Felda with his two snow wolves. She’s definitely caught him talking in high-pitched Ceriasi to his wolves. -Because he keeps his hair long and wears armor, some people mistake him for a woman. -Hates Platina because it’s so hot.

  • Carine Silver Novak

    Faceclaim Age; 45 Affiliation; Insomnia / former House Silver oligarch Bio; -One of Rudy’s daughters. Looks like her mother Margaret. -Was always a darling of the people like her father; she would go out often into Platina and wasn’t afraid of talking to commoners. -Part of the reason, she never got along with the other Houses – House Corvus was fine, but they were solitary. The other Houses – especially Golden and Grimm – Carine thought were too violent. -As a kid, she befriended a girl her age named Ramona, or Mona for short. Mona was a commoner, but it didn’t matter – her and Mona were closer than some of her sisters. -When they were teenagers, Carine was engaged against her will to Geneva’s older brother, Gaius. -Though she didn’t love him, at first it was fine because Gaius was so polite and very handsome….. on the outside. -But it didn’t take long for him to show who he really was – a vile, sadistic man who schemed and tortured. -So Carine distanced herself from that, and hung out more with Mona. She told Mona everything, though couldn’t bear to tell her about the orphanages that Gaius once took her to. -Well, Gaius got jealous. -And one day…. Mona was just, gone. No one knows what happened to her. Her family was distraught, but gave Carine some information that made her believe Gaius was behind her best friend’s disappearance. -Knowing what Gaius would do to people he didn’t like, Carine lost it. Now, while she’s much different now, she was a bit of a firecracker back then. -She stormed into an oligarch meeting, demanding that if she didn’t have her friend back, she would bring down House Golden and expose it for what it was. She was so angry at the injustices and violence, her anger boiled over to House Grimm, because they were less than savory too. -Needless to say, her outburst resulted in some oligarch chaos – and Rudy had to drag her out of the meeting. -There was a united opinion—mostly driven from Golden and Grimm—that Carine was dangerous for Silver and she should be executed. Rudy already had many heirs to choose from, why not? -Instead, he exiled her. Never to return to Silver. -Carine lost everything she loved. Her best friend, probably tortured to death. Her family, who never wanted to see her again. Her country, who would be fed lies she died and those who knew the truth would label her a traitor. -When she arrived at Insomnia, she quickly turned to alcohol to cope. She dyed her hair blue, wore sunglasses to shade her eyes, and gave herself the last name of Nova. -She met Ellis at a bar and…. the rest is history. -Ellis helped her forge citizenship papers… they were both drunk, as they usually were, and somehow when she signed her name it looked like a ‘k’ after the a. Thus, her surname became Novak. -Though Carine is usually more drunk than sober, and usually sleeping a hangover off, she really does love her children. -Indigo had it the worst since Carine had no idea how to be a mom, and she was doubly depressed because Ellis had distanced himself after she got pregnant. -She’s especially close to Ramona, although she treats Ramona more like a best friend than a daughter. -Carine and Indigo look more alike than she and Ramona; Indigo shares the same eyes as his mother. -Cried for a week straight when Ellis broke the news her mother died five years ago. Indigo and Ramona had no clue why. Indigo attributed it to Ellis being an asshole. -Carine has tried to get her life together since then.... -Wishes she and Ellis could be married and together. On her sober days, she thinks it would be best for their children, too. -And on her sober days, Carine wishes she was a better mom.

  • Maks Tolya

    faceclaim Age: 32 Affiliation: Silver / House Corvus Bio: -Grew up on the Corvus estate as son of the Corvus’ personal physician. -Became interested in neurology and study of the brain and brain disorders. -With support from House Corvus, Maks spent the majority of his 20s in Insomnia learning about their medicine and healthcare in a diplomatic-facing role. -Like other members of House Corvus, he’s serious and focused on his studies, but ended up meeting a lovely lady while he was over there. -They ended up marrying, though it took some time and politicking for both Silver and Insomnia to recognize their marriage. -Over the course of several years, seeing that it was only a matter of time before Silver and Insomnia came into conflict, he managed to convince his wife to come with him to Silver. -It took a LOT of convincing. -Though House Corvus is peaceful and all needs are provided for, Maks noticed that her psychological condition deteriorated drastically a few months after being in Silver. -Yves has been accommodating to whatever Maks needs to do to make her well, but… he’s not even sure what that is. And with diplomatic relations fraying, he doesn’t want to risk going back to Insomnia and being stuck there, or being caught in any crossfire. -Through Yves’ relationship with Zuri, Maks has sought as much information as he can about Zain’s experience outside of Insomnia. -But other than that, there’s really not a whole lot of studying Maks can do. Literature and other case studies simply don’t exist. -His wife has some good, normal days. So Maks just clings to that, and gathering what information he can, until the war is over.

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