Age: 20
Height: 4'10
- Was born in Ceriasus to a family who was not in good favor with House Fannar
- Her parents had attempted to assassinate the oligarch that had been in charge at the time before she was born to try and end the corruption
- Didn't work, and the two had gone on the run
- Her father died before she was born while helping make sure her parents escaped
- After traveling from place to place hidden on a trade ship, her mother ended up in Insomnia
- Her mom gave birth to her on the streets, with the help of other homeless refugees.
- Due to the stress her mom endured, she was born with numerous complication
- The most apparent and long lasting of these was that she was totally blind
- Still, her and her mom lived for the next sixteen years around the wharf working together with other homeless to survive
- She was approached by someone working in the defense force one day, offering to help her out in exchange for her recruitment
- Seeing it as a way that she could get her mother into a proper home and could possibly help the other refugees they lived around, she agreed
- Her mother wasn't thrilled about it, but she didn't get in her daughter's way
- The defense force paid for her to get cybernetic eyes, which made her vision better than anyone else.
- Due to her upbringing, she's awkward around others and doesn't understand the always outgoing and happy personalities of actual Insomnians
- Most people usually avoid her, and there's been people who have spread rumors that they replaced her brain with a robot's too since she's so peculiar
- Regardless, she's a fast runner and climber, and she is far more resilient than others. She knows how to survive with very little.
- Never learned to read or write since she was blind and never went to school, but she's gotten a little better since she joined five years ago.
- She works best as a scout, due to her eyesight. Being that she's only 4'10, she doesn't make for a good fighter.