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- First Golden Age: 18 Affiliation: Silver / Silver Army (soldier) Bio: -First was an orphan in Platina that was picked up by House Golden – particularly, about six or seven years ago, Ellaice had taken a liking to him and brought him into the House. -Unfortunately, death would’ve been kinder – Ellaice in her twisted sense of determining worth, tortured him senselessly. -Most preteen girls like to pretend they’re princesses or have ponies… but Ellaice wanted to be just like her Mom and be queen of the torture chambers. Unfortunately for First, this meant that Ellaice had so many things she wanted to try out. -As part of her test to see if he was worth living, she burned a fox mask to his face. -The cruelty of it all is that she purposefully made sure it didn’t fit him, so the eye holes go right above his eyes! -But she’s not totally mean about it… she ripped the mask off the lower half of his face so he could still break some food and slip it under to eat! (When his fingers weren’t snapped that is) -He survived everything Ellaice threw at him – whether it was starvation or isolation in the dungeons, branding, bones being broken… -All the while, First watched Ellaice’s other ‘toys’ lose their lives or succumb to the pain of it all… -Eventually, with no rhyme or reason to why she decided it, Ellaice determined he was one of the few men that deserved to live. -Whatever name he had before didn’t matter. She renamed him ‘First’. The very First to have survived of course! (She had thought about naming him ‘one’, but thought that was too cliché) -Ellaice oscillated between wanting to use him as a footrest and wanting to see an essentially blind man learn to fight—being an orphan in House Golden meant he had some ability to fend for himself, of course. -Eventually she decided he wasn’t comfortable enough as her footrest and sent him off to the Silver Army. -She forgot about her pet project, having moved onto others, until the war announcement. She told him that if he can get the most kills of any soldier, she’ll give him a special prize! -But First doesn’t care about any of that. In fact, his fellow comrades-in-arms are fairly certain he doesn’t care about anything at all. -He may not have died from the torture, but any sense of personality or being he had did die in the time he was under Ellaice’s thumb. -That said, the only thing that can make him even remotely active is when he’s in battle. Despite being ‘blind’, First is a formidable fighter—not because he’s a master in any particular fighting style, but because he won’t stop until there is no more opponent, or until he’s dead. -First doesn’t say much, but he sleeps alone because he frequently wakes up in a violent fit from nightmares. He nearly killed one of his fellow soldiers this way. -Truth be told, he’s probably more of a liability than anything… but his condition has made people terrified of crossing Ellaice, and Ellaice wants to see just how far he’ll go!
- Arisanna Macario
aI-generated illustration, illustration, scenery / 『アカシックレコード』 - pixiv Age: 26 Affiliation: Silver / House Macario Bio: -She came from a wealthy family of traders in Platina. Not an oligarch family, but a family that maintains comfortable connections to the oligarchy. -An only child, she never felt bored because her family was always on the move. -She can speak several dialects of Silver languages because of how transient her family was. -Also, she’s very cultured! She doesn’t discriminate against the demihumans. -When she returned to Platina after spending her childhood and early adult years in different places around Silver, Arisanna realized just how ignorant some of the most powerful people in the world could be. -She realized then that her passion was in helping educate others on what she experienced in the world. -She joined House Macario to become a respected educator. Tutors don’t necessarily need the Macario title, but once you have it… well, Arisanna is considered to be one of the highest caliber educators in Silver. -As such, she was hired to teach the children of House Rosenburg all about the world. -She doesn’t live onsite at House Rosenburg, but is there so often she might as well live there. -She’s been there for a few years, and was invited to live onsite, but honestly – the rumors about Medraut being immortal and all the research that goes on in the House spooks her. -She doesn’t teach alchemy as she doesn’t understand it, but is more into teaching the languages and cultures of the world. -She is endlessly curious, perhaps because of her background as a traveler.
- Kei Tolya
Age: 29 The Insomnian wife of Maks. Lives in House Corvus and very rarely ever goes outside. The people who have met her all say that she is incredibly beautiful for an Insomnian. They credit this to her taste in art and fashion. Even though she doesn't go outside, she always dresses like she should be going somewhere nice. Though partly it's for Maks, it's also something that brings her some happiness. She is a masterful painter, and her intention of going to Thule beside her marriage was to paint the countryside. But bad experience after bad experience with the curse has made her afraid to go outside at all, fearing she might run off again. Once she had ended up lost in the forest for three days before anyone was able to find her, because she had been so paranoid that she hid from the people looking for her. They only caught her because she collapsed. People find her scary because during her fits she says she's bringing held against her will, though it's just the paranoia making her believe that. When she is doing well, she is pleasant to be around and likes to make clothes for Reiha'.
- Livie Orsini
Bio: Livie’s currently a self-defense/hand-to-hand combat instructor for the ISDF. As she’s pretty ruthless, Livie only trains the more advanced and capable soldiers. She has given library duties over to Rui, although she is still a voracious reader. Though she’s weird and hardly anyone can really understand her, she loves her family deeply. She’s very proud her son has inherited her pyrokinesis, and shares Cardinal’s penchant for fire. Quil is one of the only people who brings Livie back to reality and reminds her of the way the world works. Livie tends to encourage Dove’s boy-hopping, and tells her daughter not to settle. Her ISDF rank is Colonel, same as Lumi, but Livie doesn't want to do anything other than train the ISDF members how to fight. So, she only has a few other fighting instructors under her and no real entry-level subordinates. Livie treats all her students like her children... although she doesn't necessarily give excellent, maternal advice.
- Andrei Drakensang
Satan-1 | 智叡りこ #pixiv Age : 25 Affiliation : Leader of House Drakensang Likes: Other attractive people, the members of his house, dragons, being a sleaze Dislikes : Uptight individuals, formalities, idiots, those who wrong him Other info : took control of the house in the most conventional manner; his father was injured in battle against Rubidium and decided to step down and have his eldest take over. This came with some grief, because many had low expectations for an unserious man who was regularly sleeping with anyone who had a pretty face. Some say he probably has dozens of illegitimate children across the lands, but others speculate that he might be barren because none of his wives have had kids yet. This topic is not to be brought up with him. For what it is worth, Andrei’s father was not a demi-human and it is not known who his mother was, as his father stated she died in childbirth and never said anything more. Bio : In Silver, there are numerous kinds of demi-humans of all shapes and sizes. But rare is it to ever see a dragon demi-human, and some believe that they are born nearly immortal and far stronger than the normal person. Andrei, however, was completely unexceptionable. Together with the fact that it was unknown who his mother was, it was difficult for him to fit in among his family despite being the eldest. Because the estate of the family existed in the small agricultural city of Germania, it was not strange for the house members to mingle openly with the citizens who enjoyed a quiet life under them. But Andrei could not easily find friends, because his odd appearance made them think he was dangerous. Surely eventually he would become a beast that would have to be euthanized, they thought. That day never came. Undeterred by his obstacles, Andrei learned to win the hearts of others by understanding their hearts and their desires. He could quell most people’s concerns by learning about them and fulfilling their needs, making them quite eager to obey him in the meanwhile. Some wondered if his dragon nature had actually given him some strange power of insight upon others, but Andrei says that it is nothing of the sort and is just a matter of knowing what to say. While his ascension to the household leader came with some questions, he ultimately proved to be good at it. The family continues to manage and research the mythical creatures of Silver, and Germania remains pleased with the house as their rulers. That said, Andrei is not without his flaws. He swiftly took revenge on the people who had belittled him when he was a child, either by feeding them to the dragons or forcing the women to marry him even if it meant leaving their own spouses behind. It is said that he is into unconventional things behind closed doors, and a number of his wives have ended up dead after what he does with them. This is not just limited to his wives, either. On visits to other cities he is known to pick out women and men that he finds appealing and spends the night with them. Some never return, but most that do are never the same and don’t speak of what happened. Many kill themselves out of fear that he might return someday and wish to see them again. He is the current owner of Nexus, the Lord of the Sky. Nexus is a two hundred foot tall dragon from foot to head, sandy in color, and having lived with the family for three hundred years. It is he that slain the former leaders of Insomnia and it is he that crushed the masses in Rubidium in their uprising. A proud dragon that will do as he pleases and yet chooses to stay with house Drakensang, he seems to get along very well with Andrei. Because of his size, he generally stays away from Geranium and will instead nest some distance away, but seems to be aware somehow when he is called forth.
- Alkali Flero
boy, illustration, original / 无题 - pixiv Age: 27 Affiliation: Silver / Silver Army (Captain of Alchemy Knights) Bio: Born and raised in Thule, he always excelled in alchemy. -He can make golems that obey his commands, and is pretty good at transmutation – not to the level of Arsen, but he’s capable in his own right. -When he became a young adult, Alkali decided that Thule had nothing left to teach him and he decided to join the knights in Platina. -He honed his alchemy abilities for combat-based reasons there, and promoted through the ranks in a squad that specialized in alchemy. -Alkali once fought Arsen in a spar and lost terribly… even as an experienced alchemist, he couldn’t figure out what Arsen’s trick is. The man’s alchemy skills are surreal! -Still, it gives him a standard to try to emulate. -Alkali loves storms and can capture the energy of weather—like thunderstorms or high winds—in capsules that he can release later. -One of the earrings he wears has the essence of starlight in it. -Also likes experimenting with different metallic objects. -Really dedicated to finding the limits of alchemy, he’s not exactly a ‘bro’ to his subordinates, but he is dependable! -Receives letters from his parents weekly, who both live back in Thule. -They bug him about getting married and having kids but... ugh! Who has time for that when there's still so much to learn?!
- Sacha Corvus
Age: 35 Younger brother of Yves and a former diplomat to Insomnia. He is hard to approach and can be strict and difficult, but he's dedicated to his work and just takes things seriously. He never married or had kids because he spent almost all of his adult life in Insomnia, and of course finding a woman in Insomnia that would want to date a Silver Oligarch is like panning for gold. Plus, he cared more about working When Insomnia expelled all of Silver's diplomats, it included Sacha. Suddenly stripped from the one thing he was familiar with, he went back to the family estate. He doesn't have much of a relationship with Yves' kids since he wasn't present for them growing up, and he doesn't quite know how to establish one without being weird. He's been rather depressed over his career ending in a war, so he's gone from workaholic to useless bum. Maybe the right kind of encouragement can get him moving again.
- Ellaice Golden
Faceclaim: girl, original, young girl / Spectra Libitina - pixiv Age: 17 Bio: -Imagine how happy Errol was, when Geneva had a daughter! Ellaice was very clearly a Fannar right at birth; Errol didn’t name her, but she has the complexion, hair, and eye color of the Fannar family. -Opposite of how Ignaz and Lukas are treated by Errol, Ellaice was positively spoiled by daddy dearest. -Unfortunately, despite her father’s attention, she doesn’t receive much love from her mother – possibly because Ellaice doesn’t have the typical Golden traits, or possibly because she’s a girl. -Ellaice takes after her mother in terms of personality. -She’s wicked to the core – in fact, wicked is a nice way to say it. She’s just evil. -As if she tortures just anyone, though! Please! She has her reasons! -Since Ellaice believes men are weaker anyway, she exclusively tortures men to see if they’re strong enough to warrant living. See ? She’s actually being very kind, weeding out the duds amongst an already inferior gender! -Errol doesn’t seem to care because it’s not like she’s torturing women, and Errol had taught her that women are valuable anyway. -And unlike her mom, Ellaice will do it herself. And she knows how, too. Ellaice is very good at breaking bones. -Sometimes if she gets a bleeder, she’ll use that person’s blood to dye her hair. How delightful it is, to be a redhead! -She really wishes she would get her mother’s permission to torture Arsen, just to see how he would hold up to it. -She’s bitter that Geneva has never allowed her to. -Well, she has free rein over anyone else that crosses House Golden so… victory, maybe? -Sometimes will drag the male servants to the torture chambers and will leave them there for hours, sometimes torturing them, sometimes not – which makes them scared as hell! Fun! -Will also visit orphanages and pick up male orphans to see if they’re fit to survive in the world – again, this is her being kind, duh. -Ellaice would never say it, but believes her mom is weak because she can’t get her hands dirty like she can and can’t do anything without dumb Arsen. -Also believes she should inherit House Golden, not Lukas. Lukas might be smart but he’s a boy! And Ellaice is older! And just… all around better! -If it wasn’t for her mother’s interference, Ellaice would go ahead and put Lukas in the torture chambers for a change. See if he’s actually worthy of being the heir! -Has a pet dragon that Ryulia gifted her when she turned 12. Ryulia named her dragon for her, named ‘Ryath’. -Also loves elegance and tea parties. -The new thing she’s into now is rounding up male demihumans and playing a Russian roulette with poisoned teacups. -No one cares about demihumans anyway, and it’s awfully fun to see them froth at the mouth!
- Acen Corvus
faceclaim Age: 20 Affiliation: Silver / House Corvus Bio: -Yves oldest son and Reiha’s older brother. -After their mom died, Acen suspected foul play – and those suspicions grew as more of his stepmoms kept dying. -Though broody like his dad and sister, Acen decided to take matters into his own hands and, spurred by concern for his family, learn how to use some of the technology for offensive purposes. -And so, he created an entirely new weapon mixed with Silver’s traditional swords and Insomnia’s technological firearms – a sword and a gun, or a gunblade, if you will. -Very smart and is fluent in Insomnian. Knowing his dad doesn’t like brutality and fighting, yet feeling the need to to defend his family, he installed a few different non-lethal settings on his gunblade with the help of technological advice administered via letters back and forth from Insomnia. -It can taze and fire pepper spray. Neat, right? (What wasn’t so neat, was Acen’s attempts at getting the settings right… he served as the guinea pig for that one) -Was friends with Blitz before Blitz had his mental breakdown and had to return to Insomnia. -He listens to Insomnian music (Lennon’s band in fact) and had arranged to go visit, but unfortunately the war broke out. -Like his dad and sister, doesn’t really care about the war and thinks the whole thing is… dumb? -Might be the heir to House Corvus, but Acen accompanies his dad wherever he goes because he’s worried that whatever befell Yves’ wives will one day befall him. -Besides, only Acen knows how to use his weapon. -He’s always brooding. Don’t where to find him? Brooding. He makes a mistake? Brooding. Has a good day? Believe it or not, brooding.
- Arngeir Vaemond
Faceclaim: arngeir Age; 26 Affiliation: Silver / House Delgado Bio: Arn grew up in Ceriasus, in his family’s forge that uses dragon’s breath to forge weapons. Though he could withstand the cold and snow, being of Ceriasi blood, he spent his life working in the forge and became accustomed to – and preferred – the heat. As the weapons that his family made are more durable than anything else that could be made in Silver, the Vaemond forge was a rather popular destination for the Fannar household. And… well, visitors too. That’s where, four (two? whenever it was( years ago, the infamous incident of Joaquin’s dad getting chomped occurred. Arn had no part in orchestrating the event, and actually became irate that his family’s forge was now stained by House Fannar – after years of being bossed around by them. Even further frustrated that his younger siblings had become traumatized by it. After the incident, he decided to kill the dragon that had eaten Joaquin – before that incident, Ceriasus law said it was perfectly legal to slay an animal that ‘endangered human life’. And it’d never mattered, since dragons were so fearsome, revered, and powerful that killing them in such a cold region was nearly impossible and unheard of. But once Arn killed a dragon, something that could really only be done by a weapons specialist such as himself? Ryulia decided to rewrite law and make hurting dragons illegal. And not just illegal, but punishable by death. Seeing the writing on the wall, Arn packed up and left – and headed right to Helios. He dropped the dragon’s head on the ground and asked for a job. His ability as a weapons specialist was recognized, and he was made Joaquin’s bodyguard – and the fact that Arn’s presence silently infuriated House Fannar was just an added bonus. Of course, Ryulia can’t actively ask House Delgado to extradite him back to Ceriasus, since it was such a loss for the oligarchy to lose Joaquin’s father, and no one should be punished for that if it was truly an accident as House Fannar claims… Rumor has it that Arn carries at least two dozen weapons in that bag of his. He’s rather good with children and is into juggling, but unfortunately doesn’t exactly care enough about the law enough to stop Joaquin from getting into shenanigans. The harsh sunlight of Helios is hard on Arn’s eyes and he always wears sunglasses to compensate. And sunblock. Lots and lots of sunblock. He’s very fair and burns like the reddest sunset. Though he actually likes the heat as it reminds him of the forge, he hates the beach and will usually accompany Joaquin looking like a rejected vampire. The joke around Helios is that nothing can beat Arn in a weapons match like sunlight can. He has several fearsome nicknames in Helios, like ‘Arngeir of Endless Arms’ and ‘Arngeir of Dragon’s Fall’ – but Joaquin calls him ‘Arngeir the Tomato’ after he became very sunburnt his first day on the job.
- Elsie Rhodes
Age: 21 Lawrence's younger half-sister. Their mother wasn't the most mentally stable person in the world, and Insomnia was no place for a person like that. Considering how often she brought random men home, it's surprising that she didn't have more children than she did. Both Lawrence and Elsie were more like a pair of dogs that happened to live in the home than actual children, as their mother wasn't much interested in them. Sometimes her boyfriend at any given time would feel sorry for them and give them attention, but it never lasted. Because of that as well as the age gap, Lawrence raised Elsie himself. The two ended up leaving home when Lawrence was old enough, and their mom didn't particularly care. Because she had been so young, Elsie doesn't remember her mom or those lonely days with her much. Lawrence worked and went to school to keep them both afloat instead, so it wasn't the easiest life, but she scored him and thought he was the coolest person ever. From a young age it was apparent that Elsie had considerable musical talent. Lawrence paid for her to take whatever lessons she wanted, so she ended up skilled with multiple instruments as well as singing. Elsie has yet to make it big in the musical world, though she does have a small fan base. She performs at various small venues to make money, and she often sees the same fans at each show. She also does street performances often to make money and self promote. When she found out that her brother had died sacrificing himself to save others, her heart was broken. It hasn't been long enough for her to mentally recover from it, so at the moment she's been posting on her social media that she is on hiatus while in real life she's considering giving up on music. Her brother was supporting her still since it's hard living as a starving artist, and while she received a life insurance payout it's not enough long term. Maybe it's time to listen to the people who told her to get a real job? Like her brother, Elsie likes to see the good in people and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. She is much more soft spoken and not as likely to speak her mind. She is also the sort of person who would give everything away to help a person she doesn't know. It didn't surprise her to hear that her brother had died doing the same. She is the reason why Lawrence was always a nagging older brother type to others in the defense force. She didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to her brother, who was only supposed to be gone a few weeks. Now she doesn't even have a body to bury.
- Lawrence Rhodes
link Age: 34 - An officer in the Defense Force, has been in since he was 22. - Went to university with an athletic scholarship in boxing, graduated at the top of his class in criminal justice - Originally planned to be a police officer, but the defense force had some pretty good offers for him since he was known to be a good fighter - He's strict and imperturbable, but he's actually pretty friendly and easy to get along with, he just takes business seriously - A training accident that happened when he was still new resulted in a friend of his dying, so he knows how fragile life can be - Though not nearly as high ranking as Vash or Lumi, he is still in a prominent leadership role. - Allergic to most animals, even though he likes them - Spars with Vash and Lumi both on occasion, though he has a losing record against both. Against people younger than him, he's had very few losses.