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150 items found for ""
- Evera Aldith
Faceclaim Age: 25 Affiliation: ISDF / Private (sniper) Bio; Evera grew up in the religious sub-group that worshipped Apheresis and Sister Neveah. -A devout Insomnian, she was just about to pledge her life to the church when the fire on the wharf happened. -Believing this to be a divine message that she needed to fight, Evera joined the ISDF. -She was the typical amount of xenophobic before the fire, but after the attack her neutral distaste turned into hatred. -She didn’t realize that there were… halfs in the force, and she stays far away from them. Evera had never interacted with anyone who was half Insomnian growing up, let alone an alien. -Though perfectly sociable to other Insomnians, she’s a lowkey racist to anyone who appears mixed or has an accent. -Well. Sometimes she won’t even address anyone who speaks at her with an accent, pretending she doesn’t understand them. So maybe she’s a high-key racist? -Evera does blame them for inciting conflict, and doesn’t understand why half-Insomnians are in the force… it’s suspicious. -Gets along with Lavendar, but doesn't proselytize around the ISDF barracks. Keeps her beliefs mostly personal. -A sniper along with Chelsea. Evera’s not great but she’s not bad, either. -Smokes e-cigarettes and likes to ride motorcycles.
- Acius Easy
Age: 25 A new recruit in the ISDF, he was working as a paramedic during the attack and the sights he saw at the time completely haunted him. He wanted to join to try and protect Insomnia. He is soft-spoken and a big sweetheart. Gets along well with Ike as a fellow medical team member.
- Stella Fairwing
Age: 29 Fresh new ISDF member that was a bartender at Carine's bar and found herself unfortunately without a job. She is half Insomnian and half Hevanese. Her parents were immigrants living in the harbor district....were being the key word there. She probably would have just gotten a different job at a different bar if her family hadn't died during the attack, but it left her pretty scorned. Because of her ethnicity and her good looks, most of the other women in the force looks down on her while the guys only approach her for her body -- until they discover she's a real ice queen. The only people she opens up around is other people who aren't full Insomnian. Because she worked for Carine she knows her family and she knows Regis and Caspian. It was a surprise for the latter to see her join.
- Linnea Fannar
Age: 24 The youngest of the Fannar sisters, who is much more of an airhead than either of her older sisters. She is good at heart and well meaning towards them, but she is a pushover and has to be watched over closely so she doesn't get taken advantage of. She is often called a doormat by Kirlia because she always does what she's told and never seems to think for herself. She loves all of the dragons in the family, but she lacks the talent her sisters have in riding them. She can ride a wyvern on her own to get to and fro, but she struggles at controlling them under high pressure so she can't manage it for battle. Instead, she is an incredible alchemist and makes up in her shortcomings with it. She is an essential member of the three sister team because her ranged attacks and defensive abilities close the gap in their strategy and make them invincible. She usually either rides with one of her sisters or with a member of the wyvern knights. She loves Castiel's novels, but doesn't know who he is or that he wrote them.
- Sindri Milori
Faceclaim; here Age; 30 Affiliation; Amaranthe Bio; Sindri is one of Amaranthe’s top diplomats and Sylke’s boss. He has experience serving in Silver, and other countries as well. Sindri is kind of a melancholy fellow, even though his mother is a pixie and they are known for being embodiments of delight and happiness. He’s a powerful magician, and had even enrolled in the knight academy - but he dropped out for mysterious reasons. His talent is especially in summoning, where he writes runes in mid-air and can summon creatures only thought to exist in fairytales. He has a variety of magic under his belt though, and isn’t afraid to use it – though would rather shy away from a fight. He’s been behind major diplomatic victories and treaties that net benefitted Amaranthe, and rumor has it that he enchants people with pixie dust to get them to do his bidding. Because of the war declaration between Insomnia and Silver, and pressure on Amaranthe to choose a side, Sindri was sent to Silver by Artemis. Well… Sindri also requested to go, because he was very worried about Sylke handling a delicate diplomatic situation correctly. Though he is certain that either he or Artemis could reverse Sylke’s head crystals, he’s never offered or even told Sylke it could be reversible – he finds it rather fitting that she has a permanent, shiny dunce cap strapped to her head.
- Mint Feldspar
Faceclaim: here Age; 23 Bio: A petite, starving artist who uses her alchemic skills to restructure bricks, clay, or gems into beautiful sculptures. She was born and educated in Platina, but has traveled around Silver, selling her wares around at different art fairs across the country. She was just passing through Helios planning her next move when she saw House Grimm’s fliers. Despite House Grimm’s reputation, Mint saw it as an opportunity to work for an oligarch family – and imagine what they’d say if she built something spectacular, that the other oligarch families were jealous of? Mint would go from off the map to a requested sculptor, perhaps even by House Silver themselves! Sensing the quiet—yet very present—undercurrent of ambition in her interview, Castiel hired her to rework the courtyard fountain, repair some of the other stonework around the Castle, and perhaps build more artwork to demonstrate the renewed strength of House Grimm. Mint is dedicated to her craft, so though she doesn’t always have a lot to say, she makes up for it in her work.
- Ash Lunne
21 years old A classmate of Indigo that studies with him from time to time. He works at Kaila's company as an intern so he can produce better robots, but he's still not very good at it. He feels sympathetic towards her poor health, which is the bigger reason why he stays working there even with Indigo nagging about helping the war machine or whatever. He's a peaceful person and tries not to think too much about the war. If nothing else, he's probably the one guy around that doesn't hit Indigo or yell at him at this point... That aside, he's a normal guy, just on the shy side of things. He has a hard time saying no to most things, which often ends with him with more on his plate than he should have. He's not met Florrie or any of Indigo's family.
- Kaila Song
34 years old Former student of Zuri, now operates a robotics manufacturing business that is associated with the defense force in R&D. She is the one who agreed to fit Evangeline in the Rabbit suit after having built it with the intention of eventually producing it for soldier use anyway. Because of her position, she's in frequent contact with Ellis and Vash. She's also a regular patient of Lance, seeing him for a chronic lung condition that keeps her rather frail. A bit on the cold side and often overworks herself. She gets sick often. As for her reasoning to working with the defense force, she dislikes how Insomnia is forced to produce technology for Silver and strongly supports the independence movement. She had a bad experience with some of the Special Police that Silver had sent back during the Second Ascension, so she has always had a negative view of them.
- Ione Theron
Faceclaim Age: 27 Affiliation: Insomnia / Psychiatrist Bio; -After many years of Ellis being pestered to finally set up a mental health program in the city, he finally relented… and Ione is the first ever psychiatrist. -Ione grew up in a half Amaranthine family; his father is a wizard from a noble family of Amaranthe. In a visit to Insomnia, he happened to fall in love with an Insomnian… and the curse prohibited them from moving back to Amaranthe. -Ione’s father fortunately stuck with them in this strange land, and his parents are still happily married. -However, in both he and his older sister, the Amaranthe features were very prominent. They looked and acted different, and their propensity for magic was quite high. -As such, they were both ostracized relentlessly for looking and being different. -His sister couldn’t handle the loneliness and the fact she was so different, and fell into a very deep depression. -Even after she tried to work through it on her own, and tried magical spells. Nothing work, and his parents decided to send her to Amaranthe. That made her feelings worse, and when she returned, she couldn’t even get out of bed. -Ione saw his sister deteriorate, and unfortunately… she eventually took her own life when he was just 15. -He became passionate about mental health, and found that the Mayor was setting up some basic measures for mental health in Insomnia. -Ione approached him and offered to go through the education and training to try and promote mental health in Insomnia. Ellis told him it would be an uphill battle. But Ione didn’t care. -And though he has spent the last decade of his life trying to remove the stigma around it in Insomnia, more often than not he’s ignored and waved away. But he’ll never give up on it. -Ione sees anyone who needs it, and boy… do people in Insomnia need it. -The fact that he’s half Amaranthine doesn’t usually bother his patients – the people who are open-minded enough to see him are the rare ones who don’t care about ethnicity. -Though no one’s ever seen him practice magic, people say magical things happen when they’re around him – sometimes it’s subtle, like flowers grow a little brighter and perkier in his presence. Some say it’s big, like they’ll find a lottery ticket after visiting him. -His left eye is a pretty silver, and his right is blue. Though his heterochromia and facial features are more Amaranthe in nature, he has his mother’s Insomnian black hair.
- Ozias 'Oasis' Silver Argent
Faceclaim Age: 25 Affiliation: Insomnia -Afina’s older brother, so also part of House Silver. Being older than her, he’s tagged along on his father’s diplomatic adventures for much longer. -Actually, he was technically born in Insomnia since that was his father’s first tour of duty as a diplomat. -A true free spirit and independent thinker, he’s actually a lot like Rudy in that he’s pretty matter-of-fact and speaks plainly. -He hates liars, and tries to figure out the truth of any story. -Though his name is Ozias, Afina had trouble pronouncing it when she was younger and kept calling him ‘Oasis’…. And the nickname stuck. Afina usually calls him Oasis, and his pen name is Oasis too. -As he was 20 when he accompanied his family to their second tour in Insomnia five years ago, he was old enough to get a job. -Though drawn to investigative journalism, it was hard for him to get any job. He would write blog articles instead of being published in the paper. -Like his sister Afina, Ozias doesn’t hold any particular loyalty to Silver and views it objectively, even though their family benefits greatly from the oligarchy. -Ellis one day offered to have him write the Silver-language version of the Insomnian Times, something that has never been done before. -He’s also worked with Ruairi to translate his podcast into the Silver language to make it more widely reachable to the Silver people. -When their father returned to Silver as tensions escalated, Ozias stayed in Insomnia – not because he couldn’t do the work from Platina – but moreso because he’s worried about Afina. -Doubly so when she decided to join the ISDF. -Now more personally motivated to try and do what he can to influence the war, he works closely with Ruairi and Sylke to distribute the propaganda Ellis wants to Silver. -The propaganda goes under his pseudonym, ‘Oasis Argent’. -As an investigative journalist, he’s no fool – he had done an article on Carine’s bar after hearing it was run by a woman from Silver. He interviewed her briefly, and immediately connected the dots. -He didn’t run that article, nor did he tell Ellis he figured it out. What kind of chaos would happen if Insomnia figured out their Mayor was dating a former oligarch? And a Silver, no less? -Carine was a bit drunk at the time of the interview and didn’t realize she was speaking to a Silver, either. Ozias picked up the idea of wearing sunglasses to obscure his Silver features from her. -Sure, Ozias is focusing on pushing propaganda and supporting Afina, but… there are so many mysteries to Insomnia. His next side gig is trying to figure out what the truth is behind the Second Ascension… -Once asked Chelsea out… I’ll let you decide how that ended.
- Fiore Awl
Age: 24 dsafhksdfhhsjkdfhshkhdfkjsf website ate all my work sjdfhksjdfhsfj he won a cooking comp and got to study in platina under house golden and house silver house silver ended up giving him a perm position he respects ladon because he feels he owes him a great deal for how much he taught him gets along well with perscia but they dont get to spend much time together because their jobs are totally different thought that he was friends with AJ, but had no idea what he was going through was completely blindsided by his betrayal trying to not let it show that he is saddened by it, trying to make amends by regularly checking up on the people around him to make sure theyre doing alright he doesn't know about house golden's violent reputation because he came from Germania and never learned much about the oligarchs until he got to Platina.
- Rurik Levina
Age: 26 He was a town guard in Ceriasus for most of his life, but was asked to join the knights in Platina after becoming well known for his adept martial ability. He liked the idea of traveling to see what else was out there, so he had no issues with joining. Since joining about a year ago, he's become good friends with Eborsisk. They only sort of knew of each other in the past, but being two fish out of water together naturally made them bond. His Silver Common is actually pretty decent since he frequently was in charge of speaking to outsiders when they came into town. Because of this, he tries to help Ebor whenever he can, but tries to not overstep boundaries. Has no aptitude for dragons because nobody in his family ever had anything to do with them, but he likes Ebor's wolves. Though it would probably be a stretch to leave those wolves in his care alone for long, he's helped feed them plenty of times before and he likes watching them wrestle.