Age: 20
Affiliation: Insomnia / Self Defense Force (Deployment Team)
Bio: one of the other 5 random NPCs on the deployment that’ll probably die. Cherry’s flirty, with voluminous hair and pink eyes. Joined the ISDF out of high school because she thought she’d get a sexy, muscly husband that way. Unfortunately, she’s still single. Pretty good at following orders especially if she thinks the person issuing the orders is hot. But why she was selected for the deployment is because Cherry is a master grenadier. Guns, meh. Melee, meh. But give her a bomb and she’s like an Olympian discus thrower. Hell, don’t give her a bomb and she’ll make one. Her deployment equipment is laden with grenades of several types in addition to the standard gun—so despite her appearance, Cherry is packing more heat than a regular soldier.
Despite her thirstiness, Cherry’s very women-supporting-women and she’ll always be up for matchmaking. Her other hobby, aside from guy-watching, is bird-watching. She can recognize almost any Insomnian bird call.