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150 items found for ""
- Lyviane Drakensang
Faceclaim Age; 18 Affiliation: Silver / House Drakensang Bio: Lyv is the same age as Yrelorin, and they share a father…. So one may think they’re twins. But actually, they’re half sisters, born only a couple weeks apart. -Lyv’s mom is a harpy. A pretty fearsome one, too. -Lyv does have beautiful black wings, but she usually keeps them tucked in. A flap of her wings, and just like her mom and the rest of her harpy line, she can create a strong gust of wind that can knock anyone over. -Lyv bounced back and forth between House Drakensang and her mom’s harpy clan as a kid—her mother hated that Shura was such a sleaze. -Apparently, her mom had been so confident that she’d be the one to make Shura a loyal man. Imagine her mom’s surprise when she found out that one of the women in a prominent bat demi-human family was pregnant… with Shura’s child! -Though Lyv’s mom doesn’t actively hate or smear Shura, Lyv can tell her mom still has a lot of heartbreak over the fact that Shura’s gone on to have several more children… -Because she spent time back and forth between the estate and the harpy clan, Lyv didn’t become very close to Andrei, and usually kept her cousin at arm’s length. -Lyv’s the most dependable and fierce of Shura’s children. -Yrel claims they’re twins sometimes, and Lyv can’t help but to like Yrel despite the family drama and her half-sister’s antics. -Is very fond of her other half-siblings and is a good big sister. Her mom’s never been to the Drakensang estate or met Lyv’s half-siblings. -Her other harpy trait is that she has HELL of a voice. No, not like a mystical singing voice—her voice carries a bewildering resonance that’ll confuse the hell out of anyone that hears it—her voice, at the right volume, will make even the most seasoned soldier confuse friend or foe. -Since it’s easy for people to fall under her spell accidentally, Lyv speaks with such a quite voice, it’s hard to hear her even in a silent room.
- Euphemia Mazhar
alt Age: 21 - Fairly young recruit in Insomnia's mi litary - A friend of Dove's since they were both young, so she's always known Cardinal - Doesn't show a lot of enthusiasm unless it's for something she actually loves - Not a great fighter, but was a track star when she was in school and can run faster and longer than most - Joined after promising Dove that she would keep her dumb brother from getting killed - Has an extremely good sense of hearing and can recognize the footsteps of people she knows - Came from a normal family and background, just not a very outgoing person Dangerous - Joywave You understand, they got a plan for us I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous It must be fate, I found a place for us I bet you didn't know someone could love you this much
- Ellis Tristezza
Age : 53 I think Affiliation : Leader of Insomnia (Future Chancellor) Likes : whiskey (too much), cigarettes (too much), quiet nights, his kids and girlfriend, peace, the Felicianos Dislikes : stress, Silver, Zain's nagging, Indigo's nagging, himself, violence Bonus Info : His youthful appearance despite taking terrible care of himself is due to the wonderful highly advanced cosmetic surgeries and products that other countries envy Insomnia for. He doesn't lie about using them to the public because he knows they'd figure it out, but claims it's just for aesthetics publicly. In actuality, he wants to avoid looking weak to the city as well as to any enemies. Bio : you literally know him
- Magdelena Lavette
Age: 28 A high ranking wyvern knight that acts as bodyguard for Ryulia. She's technically related to House Golden, but a couple times removed. A long past relative of hers that was from House Golden enlisted as a wyvern knight for Ceriasus, they married a local and had kids, so on an so forth. She's very serious.
- V
Age : Looks around 20 Affiliation : Current guardian of the mirror Likes : NSFW books, Sleeping, Seeing others happy, Insomnia, Rhea Dislikes : Robots, People who get in his way, People making assumptions about him, Anyone not of Insomnia Theme : Going On -- Gnarls Barkley "This is the start of a journey, and my mind is already gone and the fear of the unknown somehow just doesn't concern me. And you can stand right there if you want, but I'm going on and I'm prepared to go it alone." Other info : V's appearance is not entirely different from his normal looks in the past; he would still be recognized by those that knew him. However, anyone would be able to look at him and recognize that he looks a little bit too perfect to possibly be human. He is still 6'4, and he has a large stitched up scar from his throat to his mid-section but he has no heart and therefore no pulse. He is technically an immortal spirit, as he no longer has a physical body and can float but cannot go through walls. His power is directly sourced from Rhea, so he says that it is up to her what amount he can have and how far he can travel from the mirror. It seems almost like Rhea's made him her pet. Bio : After the events of Insomnia, V was told by Morrighan that he was fated to die soon after the mirror was restored. He was given the choice to either accept this fate or she would be willing to give him her position as the mirror guardian so that she could finally be free of the duty and pass on herself. V took the offer, mainly because he sympathized with Morrighan knowing that she had already endured enough and deserved it. With no ties holding him back, he saw no reason why he wouldn't be the best choice anyway. He has been asleep for the majority of the last 25 years, but he talked with Rhea whenever he was awake. In the beginning his intention was to try and talk some sanity back into her, but it's hard to say that someone like him could do much with such an insurmountable task. If anything, Rhea changed him more than he helped her. While at his core V is still more or less the same person he was back in the day, he has lost a considerable chunk of his humanity. Likely as a result of Rhea's influence, he has a much stronger hatred for outsiders than he ever had before and feels that Insomnia is superior to the rest of the world. If it were up to him, they'd just incinerate the rest of humanity indiscriminately so that they would stop being a nuisance. He loves Insomnia and those who are Insomnian by blood, likely because he may have at least managed to convince Rhea that they were her children and as a result made himself feel affection for them. Despite becoming viciously confident in his own abilities, he still describes himself as a normal guy. On the topic of Rhea, he has also been entranced by her not unlike Killer Queen had been. Just as she had, he refers to her as Mother and has developed a fanatical love for her and desires to create Insomnia into a perfect haven where all of her children can thrive. He seems to think quite positively about the various religious groups that surround the Insomniacs, as they were her first soldiers and they deserved to be praised. He doesn't seem himself as fit to be considered a god or anything of the sort, as he sees himself more as an intermediary for Rhea than anything. If Rhea suddenly decided that he ought to eradicate Insomnia, he would become a very, very big problem.
- Joaquin Delgado
Age : 22 Affiliation : Leader of House Delgado Likes : Architecture, Extravagance, Honesty, Nighttime, Champagne Dislikes : House Fannar, Being Argued With, Mythological Creatures Other info : The only oligarchy leader who has a history of having been jailed. Most members of House Delgado are meat-headed idiots that have no interest in taking over the title because they lack interest in the work involved. Because of this, Joaquin took over purely because no one else was interested even though he didn't have the best background. Bio : As is common in House Delgado, Joaquin has been a bit of a brute for as long as he's been on the planet; some even say that he tried to bite the doctor that delivered him! He talks back, he's quick to throw punches and break things, and he has no problem with loudly telling everyone just what he thinks. With that, he's not a great liar. While it's beneficial in some cases that he makes his intentions so obvious, in others he's managed to make things worse without meaning to. But if someone wanted an ally that they didn't have to question loyalty with, Joaquin's the best you can ask for. With his fiery nature, Joaquin has gotten into rough fights more than once and once got into a knife fight as a teenager with another noble from a different house. He won, sure, but he also ended up arrested because he pissed off the wrong people by doing that. That said, it wasn't like he was tossed into a dungeon. It'd be better to say that he was grounded for six months at House Silver and wasn't allowed to see anyone or do anything fun except study. He didn't seem to learn his lesson though, and he went right back to causing trouble afterwards. Two years ago while on a trip to Ceriasus, Joaquin watched a dragon eat his father; who was the current head of the family. He's never been able to figure out if it was a pure accident or if the dragon was acting on the order of someone else.... Was it even possible to order a dragon to eat someone without even being there physically to make that order? He didn't know, and he had ran away from the scene so quickly that he couldn't investigate further. He wasn't all that close with his father, but the sight had been horrible nonetheless. He's hated any sort of mythical creature ever since, but has always especially stayed clear of dragons. He firmly believes Ryulia was behind it all and has stated so, but Rutherford has chastised him against pressing the issue. The main reason that he took over the family was because he believed it was his best shot at finding out the truth so that he could avenge his father. The main estate for House Delgado is in Helios, near House Grimm's.
- Night SquarePants
This is dawns character He is a gigolo
- Jericho Brownies
This is Dawns boy from Amaranthe that seems to only talk for the mission and not to make friends he speaks Amaranthian and Common Silverian He has illusion magic? The only competent one
- Kian Kyett
Age: 20 Another machinist who was friends with Caspian. He's quiet and reserved, but he's a hard worker. He was selected specifically for his mechanic capabilities, because the Outrider can never have too many people on board keeping it in working order. He doesn't seem to have much patience for the antics of people like Cardinal, but will quickly retreat away from confrontation.
- Riven Cross
Age: 25 On the deployment team, but not really by choice. Having grown up in a dysfunctional family, life was especially hard for him in a city like Insomnia who automatically labeled him as an 'other' for things beyond his control. It was easier to grow into the person people said he would become rather than surpass those expectations, so he took to robberies and break-ins to get by. At the age of 20, he broke into a home during the night and ended up in a scuffle with the man who owned the place. Though not intentional, he ended up a murderer that night. He was caught by the authorities not long after. Due to a mistrial, he sentence was reduced down to only six years. Now that five years had passed, people were starting to get uneasy about the reality that he would be back in the world again soon. A deal was made behind the scenes with him that his criminal record would be erased and his identity changed if he went on the deployment. He had stayed in great shape while he was in prison; so much so that he was more athletic than most of the members of the force. Now known as Riven, he knows he's only there because the authorities wanted to get rid of him, but he feels optimistic about his future anyway.
- Xander Licarayen
Age: 24 Affiliation: Insomnia / Self Defense Force (Deployment Team) Bio: another character that will die. Xander joined the ISDF right after the harbor attack. Resentful and private, he is also rather dutiful and told General Altair he wanted to die. He volunteered upfront for any potential retaliation attack, saying he didn’t mind being in the front lines and doing the riskiest role. He apparently donated a huge sum of money to the ISDF and some tech companies, and received a pair of proprietary glasses that function like Tatiana’s cybernetic eyes – not nearly as good, but good enough that he was designated as a scout. He doesn’t say much about himself, but people who know him know his well-off family was devoted to volunteerism and charity work. They were in the harbor closing up their food bank for the day when the attack happened; so while Xander doesn’t say, rumor has it his family and volunteer community was wiped out in the attack. Spending time previously volunteering in the wharf, he has come into contact with Ramona and her crew several times. He admired her fashion sense and had once paid her to be his personal shopper—not wanting to make it weird, Indigo tagged along too. But Xander’s not materialistic, and only had that one big splurge and only met Indigo that one time. Not that any of it matters now, when he’s confident he won’t come back home. Well, he can’t. There’s not a home to go back to. Power: Weather manipulation. Received it during the harbor attack. It's usually localized. Tends to reflect his mood, so he has great success making it rain, thunder, or be generally miserable weather.
- Cherry Selinofto
Age: 20 Affiliation: Insomnia / Self Defense Force (Deployment Team) Bio: one of the other 5 random NPCs on the deployment that’ll probably die. Cherry’s flirty, with voluminous hair and pink eyes. Joined the ISDF out of high school because she thought she’d get a sexy, muscly husband that way. Unfortunately, she’s still single. Pretty good at following orders especially if she thinks the person issuing the orders is hot. But why she was selected for the deployment is because Cherry is a master grenadier. Guns, meh. Melee, meh. But give her a bomb and she’s like an Olympian discus thrower. Hell, don’t give her a bomb and she’ll make one. Her deployment equipment is laden with grenades of several types in addition to the standard gun—so despite her appearance, Cherry is packing more heat than a regular soldier. Despite her thirstiness, Cherry’s very women-supporting-women and she’ll always be up for matchmaking. Her other hobby, aside from guy-watching, is bird-watching. She can recognize almost any Insomnian bird call.