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- Athena Feliciano
Age: 20 Affiliation: Zain and Lumi's Daughter Likes: Arthur, Ellis, Studies, Insomnia, History, Elegance Dislikes: Arthur and Morgan swearing, Poor behavior, The incidents of Insomnia 1, Making mistakes Other Info: She is currently attending university to study archaeology and would like to uncover the many mysteries of not only Insomnia, but the world at large. She wants to understand why Insomnia's citizens are so different compared to the people of the rest of the world, as well as why there's so many different human settlements at vastly different levels of technology. If you ask her anything about these topics of research, you'll be stuck listening to her ramble endlessly until you manage to pry yourself free. Bio: A very dedicated goodie-two-shoes. If there was ever an image of the perfect citizen of Insomnia, you'd likely find a picture of Athena. She has always had perfect grades and attendance, she doesn't swear, she is proper in all of her mannerisms, and she exudes confidence and kindness. She isn't a fan of her parents being in the military, but respects the fact that they have gone above and beyond for their home. After having studied the events of the Second Ascension as well as the days of the Insomniacs, she became quite certain that the presence of superpowers only brings evil and they can't be allowed to happen again. It's easy to make Athena flustered and upset, as she hates when people point out her flaws or when she's being hypocritical. If the going got tough she might be willing to go against her principals...but she would be greatly displeased all the while. She has absolutely no problems with lecturing anyone and everyone when they do things that she finds unacceptable, meaning that Arthur, Morgan, and Cardinal have all been on the receiving end on more than one occasion.
- Dove Orsini
Age: 24 Affiliation: Eldest of Livie and Aquila's kids Likes: Parties, Drinking, Men, Surprises, Martial arts Dislikes: Losing, Cardinal being careless, Strict rules, War, Getting hurt Pictures: uncropped Other info: She was born exactly 9 months after the events of Insomnia 1, shockingly. She's not easily phased by anything similar to Cardinal, but she is a bit more normal than her mom and brother. Although she joined a martial arts dojo at a young age and still participates, she's not as good as the rest of her family is at it. Mainly, she's the opposite of Cardinal and is a complete wuss about getting hurt! Bio: They say that the eldest of a couples kids always end up the trial and error one, which was definitely the case with Dove. She's a bit of a ditz and does things without thinking about consequences, and then gets very upset over those consequences. There's probably been more than a dozen times in her life that she's gotten caught up in some ridiculous shoujo-esque damsel in distress type situation and had to be rescued by Cardinal. That problem only intensified when she got older and ended up the boy-crazy type and started jumping from guy...on and on.... And even worse when she got old enough to go drinking and go to parties. She seems to be a bit of an adrenaline junkie and putting herself at risk for the thrill of it is the best thing ever to her, so it's honestly nothing short of a miracle that nothing bad has happened to her. She also has a habit of picking up random hobbies and becoming very serious about them for a short time, and then forgets all about it when something else sparks her interest. In short, she's a pain in the ass, but she's a fun pain in the ass, so that makes it okay, right?
- Morgan Viride
Age: 18 Affiliation: Arthur's Daughter Likes: Arthur, Cigarettes, Justice, Movie theaters, Athletics Dislikes: Being bored, Bullies, Being thought of as stupid, Religious fanatics Other Pictures: link link link idk she has a lot of pictures okay Other Info: Even if she didn't look similar to Arthur, anyone could tell that she was his daughter immediately. She has a foul mouth and gets into fights occasionally, but she's a lot more open about caring for others than her dad is. She's tall at 5'10, similar to her dad as well. Friends with Ramona and skips school with her, but they met in class rather than through their parents. She likes to tease her dad. Bio: With Arthur's streak of terrible luck with women came another hurricane eventually, and the woman who was Morgan's mom ended up being exposed as being a gold-digger and soon after left both Arthur and their daughter behind. It all happened when Morgan was pretty young, so she has no memories of her mom and doesn't really care to. She's fiercely protective of her dad because of it, though. She often says that if she ever happens upon her mother she'd probably hit her for hurting him. Other than that, Morgan is the stereotype of a rebellious tough-girl who has a heart of gold. She is quick to jump in to defend others, though fortunately Insomnia is pretty peaceful place so it's not like that actually happens much. If anything, most of her fights have been while she's gone to the wharf with Ramona and had some creep lowlife from that part of town try to bother them. She doesn't hate Indigo, but she thinks he's an obnoxious dork. She also has only the bare minimum of knowledge about Amaranthe, and she's never really pressed the issue with her dad. She figures if he doesn't bring something up, he probably doesn't want to talk about it. Some of his old friends have commented on his choice on naming her Morgan, however, and she has always been a bit curious about that.
- Agatha Rosenburg
Age: 20 Affiliation: Leader of House Rosenburg Likes: Gardens, Demi-humans, Alchemy, Research Dislikes: Disease, Cruelty, War, The dark Other info: The youngest Oligarch head in a long time, though she only took over because both of her parents died of poor health -- as is very common among the Rosenburgs. She has a lot of siblings (some half-siblings) that she is very protective of. Because she has always been sickly and frail her body never grew past 4'11 and she's a bit awkward around others socially, making her struggle even more to be respected. She genuinely wants better for everyone, and disagrees with the war but has no choice but to stay quiet for her family's sake. The estate for House Rosenburg is located in Thule. Bio: For years now the head of House Rosenburg has been passed around from person to person with such frequency that the majority of the nation of Silver hasn't been able to remember who was it's leader at any given time. Because of a pervasive genetic disorder that refuses to loosen it's grip on the direct descendants of the family, nobody in the family ever lives to old age and their time on Earth is plagued with a weak constitution. At times there would be multiple technical heads of the family, purely so that whomever was the healthiest could attend meetings in the distant capital. Due to a recently long winter filled with a terrible flu season, a large number of the family died off and the only one who was well enough to assume the title was Agatha. People have questioned the family's position for generations, but they tend to make up for their shortcomings by producing great results. The family manages agriculture for the nation and through their research and guidance they have even found strategies to keep the cities of Helios and Rubidium fed despite being located in deserts. The members of the family are generally well liked among the common citizens due to their more empathetic and kind nature, even though this causes the other oligarchs to look down on them. Agatha took over just a few months ago, after the death of her father who was the only person left of his generation. With numerous siblings who had health issues themselves, she felt she couldn't risk letting the family collapse and sending them all to ruin where they would surely all wither and die. Before she took over the title she had dedicated her life to studying alchemy alongside her studies in agriculture. She's a bit of a medical genius, but unfortunately most of her work is purely homeopathic and doesn't compare to the likes of Insomnia's medical system. Her hope is to find a treatment for the disease that curses her linage, but because it's congenital it makes it nearly impossible. It's rare that she shows up to the oligarch meetings due to the stress of travel being hard on her, but she does come if it's something important enough. She has a hard time fitting in with the others due to her age and inexperience, but she tries her best to offer her own insights into things even if she isn't taken seriously. Because she's too worried about her own family, she doesn't care much for the drama and competition between the houses.
- Sven Grimm
Age: 20 Affiliation: Leader of House Grimm Likes: The ocean, Seafood, Wind storms, Authority Dislikes: Other people, Heights, His family Other info: Always vague and hard to talk to overall. There doesn't seem to be anyone in the world that Sven particularly likes. He stares out at the ocean as if there was something out there that he was hoping to see. Despite clearly not liking his own family much, he still does his job and doesn't complain about it. Bio: Probably the most indolent member of the Oligarch leaders, though most of the maritime needs of Silver tend to handle themselves without really needing to be managed. Unlike Yves who avoids others because he seems to be happier by himself, Sven struggles to connect with anyone. He gives off the impression that something terrible happened to him in which he never made peace with and avoids others because of this. Despite having a personality that would make him seem like he was useless, he is surprisingly ambitious. His focus is directed more inwardly into learning more about the other houses and their members, and he always seems to have something working in the back of his mind. Frequently, he is seen talking in private with Rutherford about something or other. House Grimm was previously known as the black sheep of the group, because it was his great-grandfather who decided to split from House Silver and create his own faction despite causing a stir for doing so. His seemingly decent relationship with Rutherford seems to make less sense because of this, though even Rutherford himself is quick to dismiss the questions he is asked regarding the matter and will get angry if he is pressed about it too much. On Sven's 17th birthday, he murdered his father in front of all of the other oligarchs present at the meeting in which he had followed him to. He then had pulled his corpse out of his seat, threw it to the ground, and sat in his chair and asked for the meeting to be continued. When Rutherford pulled him away among the ensuing chaos he was unusually animated and angry that they wouldn't carry on as normal with him in place of his father. Although everyone present expected that Sven would be executed for being so bold to do such a thing in front of everyone there, the meeting in fact was carried on three days later with Sven having taken his father's position. Anyone who tried to argue was quickly silenced, and nothing further has been said. Yves does not make it obvious if he hates his Uncle Castiel or not; though he seems to be wary of his presence whenever he sees him around. He was much more normal when he was a child, but as he got to be older he became more withdrawn and started to run off and hide if he saw Castiel around. He has never so much as acknowledged the fact that he murdered his brother to him. Generally, if he needs to interact with him at all, he does so curtly and by writing if at all possible. With Zain, he isn't much better. Because he tends to let things just handle themselves he never gave him a great deal of guidance beyond telling him to continue his usual activities. He collects whatever information Zain passes to him when he stops by, looks it over, and then doesn't say much about it. He has asked him about his family back home and has asked him about his interactions with the people he rescues from traffickers or while on diplomatic missions Rutherford requested, but he never seems to react much to the information. If anything, Zain must be telling him the correct things, as others who have been summoned for similar conversations have been promptly arrested. Multitudes of Zain's men have been sent off to labor camps or dungeons, some of them even executed. Each and every time, it's without explanation. The main estate of House Grimm is in Helios.
- Yves Corvus
Age: 40 Affiliation: Leader of House Corvus Likes: Solitude, Reading, Birds, Winter, Fog, Learning Dislikes: Loud individuals, Heat and humidity, Barbarism, Having to attend meetings Other info: Likely the leader with the least known about him, though it's clear to anyone who speaks to him that he is exceptionally intelligent. House Corvus actually asked Ellis many years ago if Yves could marry Zuri because they were impressed by her talents, but obviously this was turned down. Because this house tends to be agreeable, they did not retaliate. Yves has, however, spoken to her by writing on numerous occasions and has sought her advice on expanding technological growth. He seems very indifferent about the war. Bio: Not a great deal is known about Yves, as is the same with his family in general. He's been married 4 times, but each of his wives have died. He has stated before that he dislikes paying visits to the Oligarch meetings because he can smell death on them, and it's clear that he doesn't like brutality. Because of that, nobody can quite figure out why all of his wives end up dead. He doesn't talk about it and he's always a gloomy individual regardless, so nobody knows what his thoughts on the matter is. House Corvus is very tight knit, so they also experience a very low number of internal attacks. Most of the house is known to only be friends with those who live within their estate that is located on the outskirts of Thule. Yves is a grandson of Rutherford, as his father married one of Rutherford's daughters -- though it had been a relationship founded by love rather than one that had been arraigned. His mother died when he was still a child however, and he often pays his respects at her grave located on the estate grounds. His wives graves are also all located here.
- Cardinal Orsini
Age; 23 Affiliation; Insomnia / Soldier (Private First Class) Likes; fighting, blood, the library – he reads a lot, usually nonfiction such as autobiographies, but his favorite is a good murder mystery, candlemaking, wax seals, fire, a challenge, gifts Dislikes; cowards, being interrupted in the middle of reading, baking, losing, soup, sit-down restaurants Bonus info; He has congenital analgesia, a rare condition where he can’t feel pain or temperature differences. Though it sounds like a perfect recipe for a brutal soldier, it’s actually quite dangerous because Cardinal won’t stop until he’s literally dead. Though he’s been taught to be careful, he tends to go a little nuts if he sees blood or fire. To make it worse, Cardinal is extremely competitive and he’s never lost a fight. His commanding officer has assigned him a minder to keep tabs on him and make sure he doesn’t die by accident. He’s too low ranking to be commanded directly under Vash, but serves indirectly under him. Cardinal has several scars on his body, some self-inflicted and some accidental. The worst of his scars are on his hands, so he usually wears gloves – not because he’s disgusted by them, but because other people tend to be. Interestingly enough, he has no fingerprints - he was helping his father bake once when he was younger and still learning about his condition, and burned all of his fingerprints off taking a hot pan out of the oven. Though medical technology helps with the scarring process, skin grafting couldn’t recreate his fingerprints. He tends to be very possessive of the people he loves and treasures them. He wears a high-tech necklace and earring set that beeps if he’s hurt, or if he’s about to eat something is too hot. It was gifted to him, and though Cardinal finds it annoying, he wears it because it was a gift. He doesn’t have very many friends, usually because people are scared of him (and for good reason), so the ones he does have he keeps close. Bio; Cardinal is one of Livie and Aquila’s kids, and takes far more after Livie than Aquila. Though he was showered with love and affection from his parents, his condition and inheriting some of his parents’ tendencies meant that he didn’t end up a totally sane adult. As a child, his parents were very careful with him because of his inability to feel pain. Once he was a bit older and knew what to manage, Livie was happy to play wrestle with Cardinal, and signed him up for martial arts classes. Like his mother, he took to fighting and quickly proved to be a brutal fighter. He was kicked out of classes for not listening to the instructor. Also like his mother, he’s drawn to fire and once tried to burn their house down because he was curious. Fortunately, his family arrived home a bit early from whatever they had been doing and stopped him just as he was dropping matches to the carpet. His parents redirected that tendency to hobbies that were more constructive, like candlemaking or creating wax seals. He tends to be very singleminded and will often ignore people if he’s in the middle of something. He's dated some people, but they typically find him to be too possessive/sadistic… or they just don’t like pain. Or being tied up. Cowards. Though he can be a little questionable in terms of sanity, Cardinal doesn’t just go around hurting or burning people because he feels like it – usually, they have to do something terrible to earn it. Or they consent. Cardinal likes the latter far better.
- Castiel Grimm
+Currently the leader of House Grimm. Successfully failing upwards for 51 years! Age; 51 Affiliation; It’s complicated. On paper and in action, House Grimm / Silver Navy. But in his heart, secretly, Insomnia. Likes; Being romantic, handwritten letters, old maps, candles, Zuri (and her smile!!!!), his kids, calamari, creative writing, dreaming Dislikes; Violence or any roughhousing, squid, swimming, high technology, bad wine, dirty windows Other; An underwater kraken toppled his patrol vessel one night when he was just a new recruit. He nearly drowned, but Zain rescued him. He’s disliked squid or octopuses ever since and will always order calamari when it’s on the menu. Castiel’s written several romance novels under his pen name; they aren’t terribly famous, but have a solid foothold in the market. He’s never told Zuri about his novels, since many of them feature a character based off of her in some way – Livie’s the only one who’s figured it out; she likes his novels and picked up on the trend, though they’re far too wholesome for her to be a big fan. He also documents his dreams in a dream journal and he’ll often make up stories to tell his children based off of his dreams. He's usually very mild-mannered and very much a dreamer, but he tends to get very animated when talking about the Felicianos or his children. Though it’s almost hypocritical, he doesn’t really like robots or any of the cutting edge technology Zuri develops; he maintains an interest because of Zuri and wholeheartedly supports her, but much rather likes the old-timey stuff. He doesn't wear a ring although he's married in heart to Zuri, but does wear a bracelet. Bio; An unplanned son of House Grimm, Castiel was the youngest. No one ever had any high expectations for Castiel and often forgot about him, as his siblings were often embroiled for the battle of the Grimm mantle. His mother, who had a kind streak, worried excessively for the fate of Castiel as he grew up. He would often be found playing pretend by himself or staring out the window, and only excelled in literature. His mother was so worried that the politics of House Grimm and Silver writ large would kill him one day, and she sent him off to the navy. With his name recognition and House Grimm’s dominance in maritime, the navy wanted to make him a high-ranking officer at a young age. However, his mother, who wanted to gently instill some toughness in him so he could have a chance at surviving the oligarchy, insisted he be made a low level seaman. The sailor’s life was not for Castiel. He could hardly pass basic training, and that was only because the Director of the Naval Academy allowed Castiel to wear a life vest for the tread test. And then when he was on a ship, he didn’t do anything useful, really. Castiel spent more time examining maps than navigating, or more time staring out the window than cleaning it. The navy couldn’t discharge him because he was a Grimm, so they ended up bunking him with whom they deemed the most useless seaman: the kid from Insomnia, Zain. Even though Castiel was probably one of the most gentle oligarch members one could meet, the distaste for Insomnia runs strong and he was highly prejudiced at first. But Zain’s work ethic inspired him; Zain was completing all of Castiel’s duties, his own, and then spending lights-out trying to learn Hevanese. When the kraken attacked their ship and Zain saved him from drowning, that’s when Castiel’s mind started to change that maybe Insomnians aren’t so bad after all. The feeling magnified when they made their first trip back to Insomnia, some time after they’d first joined the Navy. Castiel likens the first sighting as a shooting star alighting upon the Earth: that’s when he saw Zuri. As a romantic, it was love at first sight. Zuri was beautiful, and caring – she might have been expressionless, but whenever they docked at Insomnia, she was always there to greet them. If that wasn’t the sign of a woman with a kind heart, he didn’t know what was. And what a sight for sore eyes she was, after spending so many weeks aboard a miserable ship! Since then on, he would write her letters, send her flowers, and ask Zain now and again if she ever asked about him. Interestingly, after meeting Zuri for the first time, Castiel became far more motivated at work. He had a romanticized version of a sailor reuniting with his lover in his head, and he could only make that reality if he worked hard and endured hardships. Over time, he found himself wanting to be the kind of man Zuri would be proud to wait for. During and after the Second Ascension, he stayed docked in Insomnia for awhile, which gave him a chance to win over Zuri through more than just flowers and letters. Though, since relations between Insomnia and Silver were only getting worse, they talked about whether or not they should get married and ultimately decided it was better for their family if they do not marry on paper. Now that relations are decidedly unstable, Castiel cleaved with Silver and remained in the Navy. Very delicately and covertly, he feeds Ellis information on naval strategies and maritime developments gained from his insight as a Grimm and a navy sailor. Knowing that if he’ll be killed if he’s ever caught, or worse Zuri and his kids will be targeted, he painfully maintains his distance from them during the war. Especially after his nephew killed Castiel’s brother to become the new leader of House Grimm, Castiel is worried that if it’s ever found out he has kids and isn’t just some forever alone old fogie, his kids might be next on the chopping block for the hereditary claim they can make to lead House Grimm.
- Errol Fannar Golden
Age; 37 Affiliation: Silver / House Golden Likes; chess/puzzles, House Fannar/his sister, chivalry, winter, dragons, swordplay, honesty Dislikes; geneva’s senseless torture, arsen, infidelity, gossip, his kids (sort of, it’s complicated) Other Info; Errol is not a generous or kind man, but he is a Saint compared to Geneva. He will never openly question Geneva or her decisions – unless it is about battle, war, or politics. However, he has concerns about how she treats her servants and residents of Platina, preferring to take a milder approach. When she is away on business trips or meetings, he is known to give mercy to anyone summoned to House Golden during that time. The servants all like him much better than Geneva and will often go to him if some error or mistake has happened, for even if they are imprisoned or punished in some way, Geneva finding out is a fate worse than death. As their marriage contract typically confines him to Golden grounds, he summons the best and brightest of Silver to House Golden to either play him in chess, or duel him in swordfighting. Errol is always wearing some sort of cloak to cover his missing arm. He’s also known to uphold chivalry and won’t let women be tortured or cruelly punished where he can see or hear. Bio; Grew up in Ceriasus as a member of House Fannar. Fannar is a matriarchal House, so although he’s Ryulia’s older brother, he was never considered for succession once she was born. That fact made him self-consciously protective of his masculinity, always trying to prove he was ‘worthy’ and a ‘real man’ by being a model gentleman to women, despite not being able to take over House Fannar. However, that inherent resentment didn’t bleed over into his relationship with his sister; he played chess with her often, and he held his own whenever it came to anything with a strategy. Even as a teenager, he helped Ryulia make several strategic moves to boost House Fannar’s status and quash some of House Delgado’s advances in their historic rivalry. When Geneva became of courting age, he aggressively pursued her, though he wasn’t the first man to gain her attention and it took quite some time to get her to even consider him. Fortunately, the other men Geneva considered met mysterious fates due to their wavering loyalty. Errol was honest with Geneva in that while he wanted to marry her to raise the status of House Fannar, he would not ever question Geneva or House Golden unless it was in terms of war strategies. And he proved that he was the most loyal bachelor by passing a variety of loyalty and capability tests. Their marriage was a carefully thought out contract and had various conditions written into it; all favoring House Golden. The only net benefit for Errol is that the marriage overall would boost House Fannar’s reputation. After they’d gotten married and he knew that he was safe from death, Errol tried to get rid of Arsen as he felt that having him around was a slight against Errol as a man - he heard servants gossip about how Errol must not be good enough at protecting her, or good enough in bed, if Geneva kept Arsen around all the time. He’d grown sick and shameful of these rumors, and though he had severely punished the servants who had spread them and thus put an end to them, they still haunted him. Unfortunately, Errol’s attempt at removing the problem didn’t go over so well. Arsen ended up cutting off Errol’s left arm and transmutated it into a sword. In a sick twist of fate, he handed it back to Errol and told him to try again any time. Later, when he and Geneva had children, Errol at first was a surprisingly involved father. Since his marriage wasn’t great and he didn’t like Platina, he devoted his time to his children. He would speak to them patiently in Ceriasi and tell them all about dragons and stories from his homeland, all while teaching them chess. But then, he discovered that while he’d made major concessions to prove his loyalty to Geneva, that loyalty was one way. Errol discovered she wasn’t always faithful to him, and to be honest while he despised that fact, he didn’t blame her – it was a loveless and relatively sexless marriage. But to be so careless once children were involved? Starting to doubt if the children were all his, he pulled back, starting to grow disgusted at them as reflections of his own failures as a man and husband. He’s only still involved with the kids who show any kind of blatant Fannar characteristics. The others? He’s left those… things… to the nannies and instead focused on helping Geneva with her war strategies. He may not love Geneva, but the survivability of House Fannar depends on her success, so he has become a critical and dependable resource for her battle plans. And it’s that which makes him so loyal.
- Rutherford von Martiin Silver III
Age: 67 Affiliation: Former Head of House Silver and Supreme Leader of the Silver Federation Likes: Flowers, Insects, Classical Works of Art, Properness, His Nation Dislikes: Tardiness, Lack of Manners, Children, Barbaric Behavior, Untidiness, Foul-mouthed Individuals, Immodesty, Being Disappointed, Poorly Cooked Food Alt Pictures: link Other Info: Was the leader of Silver from when his father decided to step down about fifty years ago up until the beginning of the war with Insomnia. Those closest to him call him Rudy, but that is a very small number of people. Everyone else refers to him as Sir Rutherford or My Liege. He was married for the majority of his rule to a single woman named Margaret, but she died of cancer just five years ago and he never was interested in remarrying. The two had been very close their entire lives, so most were surprised that he didn't step down after her death. He dislikes children, but only because he doesn't know how to talk to them and often comes across as intimidating to them. This is mainly because his wife and mother when they were alive had done all the parenting while he worked, so he never really learned anything about it. In his old age, he regrets this a bit. His closest servants who have served him the longest do not speak to him formally, but as friends. The estate is located adjacent to House Golden in the capital, but it is twice the size in both acreage and building size. Most of this land is a well groomed garden, which Rutherford had built for his late wife who is now buried there by a koi pond, which he visits regularly. Bio: Among the history of the Oligarchy of Silver, very few have remained as their house's head for more than a few decades at most. Rutherford is one of a very select few that have spent most of their lives in charge, and because of it he is given a great deal of respect by both his own house and the others. His wisdom is often sought after by many, as he is known to be a good listener and equally as good at offering advice. Many say that the Oligarchy has only been able to remain fairly orderly because of him. He has a bit of a reputation as being everyone's pseudo-grandfather. One would expect that with how messy the Oligarchy drama can get Rutherford surely would have some terrible side to him, but really...there doesn't seem to be. He is as he appears to be. Rather than take an approach by savagery, Rutherford chose to be an individual that others could respect and model themselves after. He is not perfect by any means; he has a short fuse and will get loud if he is made frustrated or upset, but he is no degenerate. It helps that it is basically impossible to usurp the authority that House Silver has, as all the other houses instead choose to try and appeal to him instead. Of course, that doesn't make him a wonderful person, either. He is well aware of the crimes against humanity committed by both the other houses and his own family members at times, but he chooses to not punish these. He knows just the right kinds of things to say to people to scare the hell out of them, all while never actually threatening their lives. Ellis, for example, absolutely hates talking to him more than any other. There's no arguing with Rutherford either; he states quite plainly how things are or how he expects them, and that is that. Most of his children and grandchildren always shy away when he stares back at them silently when they try to talk back. Rutherford also maintains a good rapport with the family servants as well as those from other houses. House Silver's servants are treated far better than any other house's and are given generous benefits, but he only picks from the best of the best. Many of his nannies and maids have been working for them for their entire lives, and members of the army dream to be hand picked for the honor of being part of their personal guard. Rutherford is a big believer in that anyone can make a good life for themselves with dedication, so these servants are from all walks of life. Thanks to this treatment, House Silver has an extremely low rate of assassination attempts from within and the overall mood at the estate is quite pleasant. Rutherford also is unusual in that he is willing to personally meet with civilians out on the streets, though he always brings a few guards. He likes to gain perspective on the things that are occurring from first hand accounts and he does try to make his country a place that people want to live in. After all, he believes that tyranny is what causes a short life. He may not intervene in the choices that the other oligarchy families make with their own duties and in the cities they manage, but he does warn them of their mistakes and watches from afar as these choices lead to ruin over and over again. He often will instruct his children and grandchildren to carefully watch and take note of the failures those people make, so that they are not doomed to repeat them.
- Arsen Calomel Golden
Age; 33/34 (exact age unknown) Affiliation; House Golden Likes; Geneva, alchemy, sunshine, apples Dislikes; Geneva’s husband, books, rats, conversations Other Info; It’s rumored Arsen traps the souls of those Geneva kills into the jewelry she wears. They say that he transforms the life forces and pain of those she tortures into incredible powers; for example, tapping or crushing an emerald ring might release a burst of powerful wind. No one knows if it’s true or not. Though it is true that Arsen is an incredible alchemist and is actually quite intelligent, he can’t read or write and only goes off of intuition. Even though he’s most known for his ability to transmute substances into other things, he’s also an unparalleled brawler and fights dirty. Bio; Arsen’s earliest memories are in the dull Golden orphanage where he grew up, near Thule. The only thing he had to tie him to his original family was a bright yellow ribbon on his wrist with the word ‘CALOMEL’ on it. Like all children in the Golden orphanages, his childhood was a battlefield. Due to the proximity near Thule, the nuns were well-versed in the foundations of alchemy and taught some basics to the children. Along with the other teachings – such as that the Golden House was akin to Gods, Arsen latched onto all the teachings of the orphanage and very quickly showed unprecedented promise in alchemy. When he was punished to solitary time with the rats after blinding another child and turning their eyes into firebolts, a nun walked in on him days later having transformed the rats into a bludgeoning weapon. Though he went to attack her with intent to kill, one of the floorboards had broken and he tripped before finishing the job. To this day, he hates rats and thinks they’re signs of bad luck. One day, some members of the Golden family visited the orphanage to see their work in action and help them make any adjustments they needed to produce their super soldiers. Geneva happened to have gone along with this particular visit. Separated by glass, the Goldens watched the children pitted against one another. Arsen came out on top, having transformed one child’s corpse into a weapon that he used to slaughter the other children. With the bodies of the other children, he turned them into various things he thought that Gods and Goddesses like the Goldens would like – beds of flowers, jewels, and other various things. Eager to know if he pleased the Gods, Arsen approached Geneva, who offered him an apple. It was more than he’d eaten ever, really, and certainly more delicious than the scrap the nuns offered him. Though certainly the absolute filth disgusted her, Geneva probably realized how useful he could be and asked him to prove loyalty to House Golden. He took the only tie to his original family – the yellow ribbon— off his wrist and transmuted it into a topaz necklace to give to her. She took him back to House Golden and though the basic necessities she provided him could hardly be called ‘kind’, since it was more than he received at the orphanage, he grew to become a mindlessly loyal asset of Geneva’s. Any order she gave, he followed it ruthlessly, and has protected her from assassination attempts in the past. He worships Geneva and the thing he hates most in life is her useless husband. Arsen’s never questioned it or done anything to sabotage it, knowing it’s not his place to and Geneva is too smart to make mistakes. He assumes it’s a political marriage, even though her husband is one of those oligarch members who has never seen a fight in his life. Though Arsen is almost always at Geneva’s side to protect her, in the very rare instances where he’s not needed or wanted, he’ll be found sleeping in the sunny apple orchard on the Golden grounds.
- Geneva Golden
Age: 37 Affiliation: Leader of House Golden Likes: Being Revered, Sadism, Jewelry, Large Fancy Parties Dislikes: The Poor, Being Touched, Dirt, Animals Other Info: Geneva was originally the fourth in line for succession, but over time her four older siblings were all killed in various strange accidents. Her aging father stepped down sixteen years ago and she took up the title of the head of House Golden ever since. Servants of the house speak in whispers about her, saying that she bathes in blood to keep herself looking youthful. Evangeline is her great grandaunt, though she has no knowledge of her existence. Bio: Like many of her family that came before her, Geneva is a ruthless monster that can barely be called human. The Golden House is primarily located in the capital of Platina, and it's rare that you'll ever see her step outside of the grounds of the family's estate, other than to make visits to the Capital Building for work. Residents of Platina have always known that being summoned by House Golden is akin to a death sentence, but ever since Geneva took the helm they've heard that the executions are done by her own hand and that it comes with a great deal of torture. While being incredibly deranged, Geneva is also equally efficient. She assisted House Silver in planning to quell the uprising in Rubidium and has improved the number of quality soldiers that come from their family's orphanages. She's good at reading people and keeps grudges, so she is a dangerous person to be around politically. Though she isn't a charismatic genius, she knows how to behave socially in a way that will not lower other's opinions of her. Often will she host large balls at the family estate, partly because she enjoys the glamour of it, but also because she spends the evening eavesdropping to see who her allies and enemies are. It's not unusual for Oligarchy house leaders to have a target on their back, and she remains very careful. Once Geneva took over, the tensions between Insomnia and Silver intensified considerably. She was the one who gave the order to invade Hevan to establish a temporary base. Other FCs: One Two Three