Age: 24
Affiliation: Eldest of Livie and Aquila's kids
Likes: Parties, Drinking, Men, Surprises, Martial arts
Dislikes: Losing, Cardinal being careless, Strict rules, War, Getting hurt
Pictures: uncropped
Other info: She was born exactly 9 months after the events of Insomnia 1, shockingly. She's not easily phased by anything similar to Cardinal, but she is a bit more normal than her mom and brother. Although she joined a martial arts dojo at a young age and still participates, she's not as good as the rest of her family is at it. Mainly, she's the opposite of Cardinal and is a complete wuss about getting hurt!
Bio: They say that the eldest of a couples kids always end up the trial and error one, which was definitely the case with Dove. She's a bit of a ditz and does things without thinking about consequences, and then gets very upset over those consequences. There's probably been more than a dozen times in her life that she's gotten caught up in some ridiculous shoujo-esque damsel in distress type situation and had to be rescued by Cardinal.
That problem only intensified when she got older and ended up the boy-crazy type and started jumping from guy...on and on.... And even worse when she got old enough to go drinking and go to parties. She seems to be a bit of an adrenaline junkie and putting herself at risk for the thrill of it is the best thing ever to her, so it's honestly nothing short of a miracle that nothing bad has happened to her.
She also has a habit of picking up random hobbies and becoming very serious about them for a short time, and then forgets all about it when something else sparks her interest.
In short, she's a pain in the ass, but she's a fun pain in the ass, so that makes it okay, right?