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150 items found for ""
- Sylke Vadnais
Age: 24 - Name is pronounced 'Silk-ee" - Diplomat from Amaranthe that was working in Platina when the war broke out - Unbeknownst to her, her supervisors sent her to work there so they didn't have to deal with her - A total ditz, klutz, airhead, spaz, goofball - Her witchy magic isn't very good, she can cast illusions but they're only really good for show - Platina didn't really know what to do with her either, so she's just been sorta helping around where she can - She's been there for 2 years and hasn't heard back from Amaranthe... - ...but they didn't forget about her....right?
- Kordelia Grimm
Age: 19 Alt Pic - Younger sister of Sven, but was never going to be picked as a heir because she's a female and has a fear of the ocean - Unlike her brother, she actually really likes Uncle Castiel, but this is largely because he saved her life - When she was a kid she was forced to learn about the family trade, but she found it incredibly boring - On a sailing trip she had the misfortune of falling off the boat due to rough water, and her uncle was the one who saved her - Knowing that her uncle once nearly drowned himself and hated swimming, this meant a lot to her - She always looked forward to whenever he would stop by the family estate, though it was infrequent - When her brother killed their father, she was sent to live with House Rosenburg far off in Thule - The siblings had never been close before, but ever since then the two haven't spoken - She's a bit of a melancholy person these days, as she struggles to find a place for herself in the world - She wasn't any good with the ocean stuff, and she got in the way whenever she tried to help anyone with alchemy research or even farming - Instead she is often tasked with being a carrier between House Rosenburg and House Corvus, which despite being in the same city are a half days apart by foot - She hates visiting that dreary place, though. Knowing that women in that house have a tendency to die young...
- Medraut Agravain
Faceclaim Name; Medraut Agravain Affiliation; Thule / House Rosenburg (?) Originally from Amaranthe. Age; ??? Appears mid-twenties Other info; Carries a really beautiful bladed polearm. Between the actual blade and the handle is a slab of what looks like amethyst; though he always carries it around, he has never used it in battle. He has a small collection of weapons hidden underneath the folds of his clothing that he uses instead. Though he’s from Amaranthe, he can’t cast spells. But oddly, magic doesn't work on him either. Medraut is very stealthy and can sneak up on anyone, anytime. Been known to surprise the Rosenburgs around their manor. He’s immune to poison and tests Serafina’s poison concoctions for her. Bio; A young (?) man shrouded in mystery. He has a thick accent. He appeared at the Rosenburg manor about 20 years ago, looking the same as he does now. No Rosenburg is currently alive to remember the arrangement that he and the House Leader made at the time, but he promised his service to the family and has been a jack-of-all-trades for whatever the House needs. Butler? He’ll cook a fine curry, best in the lands. Knight? He’ll valiantly escort the Rosenburg leader to the oligarch meetings. Guinea pig for Serafina’s poisonous concoctions? With his immunity, Medraut is the perfect target. Even though Agatha is currently House Leader, he hasn’t told her of his origins and with how indispensable he’s become, no one has questioned it. He dodges the question when it’s brought up. Though he’s been there for two decades and has seen Agatha and Serafina grow up, he hasn’t aged a day. The people of Thule find him a sort of urban legend - between his immunity to poison and his seemingly perpetual youth, rumor has it he’s immortal or cursed. Maybe it’s both.
- Anica Kaiser
Age: 15 - Another character that will literally not be relevant because shes young - Rui and Ky's daughter - Yes she is identical to Rui shutup - She's energetic and loud like her mother, but much more sociable and outgoing - She's had struggles because she quite clearly looks like a foreigner even though she only speaks Insomnian aside from a few words her mom taught her - Ever since she was little she's had an interest in fashion and has worked as a model using her dad's connections - At the time she is a celebrity among people her age because they find her appearance to be bold and stands out from the run of the mill look of other models - Despite being a celebrity, you can still often find her at the library her mom works at doing her school work - She goes over to Lance and Eva's house to play with Shadow often as well
- Rui Kaiser
Age: Somewhere between 38 and 40 - Married Ky many years after Insomnia1 - She's calmed down and matured a lot in some ways, but in other ways she still is the same - If anything she's still the type to rant and rave loudly when something displeases her - But she at least lives an honest life now and stopped being obstinate about trying to fit in with living in a normal society - Currently, she is in charge of the same library that was once the group home base of her enemies - She took up a bigger interest in reading after the events of Insomnia1 - Her reading ability is what she's best at with the Insomnian language, and her speaking is much better than it was but is still heavily accented - She absolutely does not stand for any sort of discrimination that she or anyone else in her reach faces - Whenever she wants to force Lance and Eva to go off and having a relaxing date night she babysits for them - Although she calls them both by their names, she still sees them like they were parents to her and Lance walked her down the aisle at her wedding
- Vesper Arnett
Age: 31 - A pain in the ass former sailor that worked under Zain - He is clearly not all put together and is constantly doing stuff that can only make others wonder what is wrong with him - He's from Silver, but he never really spoke much of his past other than his family made him join the navy so they wouldn't have to deal with him anymore - He's never hurt anyone else, only himself, constantly, but it's not out of masochism but rather because he's always looking for the next stupid thing to entertain himself with - On his last excursion he was on he decided to try and fight a sea serpent that attacked them, by himself, with a harpoon. He won, but he lost his arm and ended up with a cool robotic one to replace it. - He thought it was a good thing because he saved the ship, but Zain felt otherwise and had him removed - Well, he was supposed to be flown back to Platina from Insomnia, but he skipped the flight and stuck around - He liked Insomnia better than Silver, so he decided to defect, just like that - Zain and the rest of his ship never found out, and he wasn't anyone important back in Silver so nobody made a fuss - Even though he was ostracized as a foreigner in Insomnia, he still enjoyed being there and found a way around through connections he made with others who were refuges and the like - When the war announcement came around, he decided to sign up under the name 'Vivian Suoh' -- some guy who disappeared forever ago and was never declared legally dead so it was easy to steal his identity - As far as anyone in the recruitment center knew, he was a former fishing captain - But lucky for Insomnia, who desperately needed someone like him, he was an expert in maritime, as he used to handle Zain's ship when he was asleep or away
- Makah
Age: 45 - Literally never going to be relevant I just saw the picture and was like YOU - Razir's father, who is the leader of their village - Their village is known as Wakasha, has around 1000 people living in it - All of the people have demon-like features that have been passed for generations - They're all normal humans though and they're all nice people that are excellent at working together - As far as Makah goes he's like the village dad - He has 14 children, eldest being Razir, all with one wife - Big families are expected with whoever leads the village as it's seen as a sign of prosperity for everyone - Everyone is expected to help raise everyone's kids so it's not actually too bad - He's a warrior and extremely muscular and strong, wields a giant axe - Not that he's ever needing to fight anyone, but he's great at whatever task he's set onto - When people started disappearing, he made the decision to send Razir to the capital - He didn't announce it to everyone to avoid panic, but he had seen a suspicious group in the distance before the disappearances started but they were too far to make any details out - He has the utmost faith in Razir and is hunkering down with everyone else to try and avoid further people being targeted
- Seneca Quintanilla
Faceclaim Age; 20 Affiliation; Insomnia Likes; computers, cybernetics, puns, making people laugh, pranks, pizza, icing on cakes, JUSTICE! Dislike; being the outsider, super serious situations Other fcs; scroll here Bulleted bio; -One of Remy and Daphne’s kids. She grew up in a pretty normal household except for her mom being a cyborg. -Because of her mom’s connection to Insomnia databases, Seneca became interested in an early age in software/data. She quickly became very talented at all things cyber. -Seneca has a strong moral compass like her mom, so she’s never used it for evil…. -Well… not true evil… -Uses her talents to play harmless pranks on people though. Like hacking into a bakery to modify a friend’s order to make the icing spell out meme-worthy lyrics. -Her pranks are nothing ever serious enough to warrant her parents’ or Ellis’ attention, though she could be using her talents for far better purposes than to modify online orders so her friend receives a jack-in-the-box with plastic bugs. -Like her mom before her, Seneca is a little envious of her outside status of the Novak/Feliciano crew and that inner circle. She knows Indigo and Ramona, and all their friends of course, but Seneca’s not really besties with them. She wants to be, though. -But has a habit of interjecting social situations with very poorly timed puns or trying to make inside jokes when people aren’t in the mood. -Though Seneca seems silly and awkward in social situations, it all comes out of a sense of wanting to belong. -Really loves pizza and knows every pizza place in Insomnia – and all their online infrastructure. -With Seneca, any pizza is a personal pizza... really.
- Caspian Feliciano
Faceclaim Age; 19 Affiliation; Insomnia / Self Defense Force (Private) Likes; composing music, songwriting, humming, music in general, rain, swimming, water and waves and the coast, his family but especially idolizes regis, ships in a bottle, making his mom smile Dislikes; heights, crowds/stages, other stuff as I think of it Bullets; -Only goes by Cas because he feels closer to his dad that way. He wasn’t allowed near the ports as a kid because his mom was worried people might draw the connection between him and his father, but Cas has been drawn to the sea because of his dad’s adventures and knows his way around a ship. -He’s an excellent swimmer and loves the rain. He likes the wharf a lot for its proximity to the water. -Has his dad’s eyes and the streak of blue in his hair is natural – it’s from his dad. He and Regis look alike and people can easily tell they’re brothers. -Though his true passion is music and he’s composed a record amount of songs at a young age, he gave it all up once he turned 18 to join the Self Defense Forces. Cas has no desire to fight. -He likes writing his mom songs and see if he can make her smile. He’s usually always heard humming or tapping a new beat on a makeshift instrument. -Is a pretty happy, genki child. Woefully unprepared for the horrors of war. -Had a loving upbringing, even though it was a strain to have a father from Silver, who was nearly always away to boot. -Cas idolizes Regis and thinks he’s the coolest person in the world – that’s why he joined the Self Defense Force, even though he would’ve preferred studying music. He wanted to emulate his brother. -Even though Cas is a very talented songwriter and musician, he suffers from incredible stage fright. He was once signed up for a talent show and he completely froze – but Regis, who had been there, saved him from a world of embarrassment and skillfully took over. Cas always thought Regis was cool before, but that solidified it for him. -Very romantic like his father and knows he’ll meet his soulmate one day. May or may not have already written his one true love a dozen or so songs about her smile - the one he's never seen cause, you know, he hasn't met her yet. -Has bottled up his feelings for his mystery forever lady and sent it in bottles across the sea. Likes to watch the waves on the coast, waiting for a response. -Will get aquakinesis from V.
- Régis Feliciano
Age: 22 -Son of Zuri and Castiel -Surprisingly enough, his physical features are almost identical to his mother's, so he didn't get bullied for being only half Insomnian growing up. -He's a good kid through and through, and he had a pretty unremarkable life growing up. -He joined the defense force at 18 because he's tired of living in a world where his own family has to pretend to be strangers because of stupid politics. -Compared to the likes of Cardinal and Gale he's terrible at fighting, but he's a great engineer like his mother. -You can hand him just about any piece of equipment and he can repair it, even if he's never seen it before. -He did date Dove for a short while, and according to her it makes sense that he's so great with things like that because 'he's great with his hands'. -Their relationship ended because, unsurprisingly, Dove got bored with him and it left him bummed out for weeks! He had even tried to write her poems like his dad did with his mom, and she just laughed at it!
- Audric Golden of House Silver
Age: 26ish -Another graduate of the same exact orphanage that Arsen came from, but younger by a few years -He doesn't really remember Arsen much, or care, because why should he? -He has met him a few times, and it's mostly just a lot of nothing since neither have reasons to be friends...but Rutherford tried to make them get along nonetheless. -He excels at horseback riding and manages the stables outside of his main job of being a bodyguard for Rutherford. -Due to whatever he was subjected to at the Golden orphanage, he is afraid of water. -He used to not even bathe, but the servants at House Silver forced him to enough times that he got over it enough to just shower as quick as possible and get out. -He seems uneasy even when it rains, and seems to especially hate wearing wet clothing. -Other soldiers for Silver have seen him completely strip during a horseback ride because he hated how wet his clothing had gotten and was more comfortable that way, which got him in trouble -But he has a super toned body, so at least he's eye candy even if he is unstable.
- Serafina Rosenburg
Age: 18 -Younger sister of Agatha, and she is usually seen assisting her with research -She is much more unwilling to associate with the other oligarchs, so it is unlikely that she will ever be seen in a meeting -Her research tends to be focused more on poisons and things of that nature whereas Agatha works on cures. -Because of this she is often butting heads with Agatha, who only wants to use alchemy for good. -Like the rest of her family, she was born with a weak constitution and doesn't seem like she leaves the house much. -The people of Thule find her to be especially beautiful, but that's just because Agatha looks younger than she really is.