Age: Somewhere between 38 and 40
- Married Ky many years after Insomnia1
- She's calmed down and matured a lot in some ways, but in other ways she still is the same
- If anything she's still the type to rant and rave loudly when something displeases her
- But she at least lives an honest life now and stopped being obstinate about trying to fit in with living in a normal
- Currently, she is in charge of the same library that was once the group home base of her enemies
- She took up a bigger interest in reading after the events of Insomnia1
- Her reading ability is what she's best at with the Insomnian language, and her speaking is much better than it
was but is still heavily accented
- She absolutely does not stand for any sort of discrimination that she or anyone else in her reach faces
- Whenever she wants to force Lance and Eva to go off and having a relaxing date night she babysits for them
- Although she calls them both by their names, she still sees them like they were parents to her and Lance walked
her down the aisle at her wedding