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  • Lance Cramoisi

    A talented doctor who specializes in trauma surgery, but owns his own clinic and treats the underserved communities of Insomnia. His license has since been re-instated, so although he doesn’t work at the hospital anymore, he does get calls and go in sometimes when required. After the events of The Second Ascension, he tends not to trust anything that’s not a human hand when it comes to medical events. He stays far, far away from the cultists and anyone remotely religious. Though he’s busy, he always makes times and prioritizes his children, including Rui. He worries the most about Gale, especially with Gale's reputation and job with the ISDF.

  • Clerie Dieufely

    Age; 26 Affiliation: Hevan Bio; -Clerie’s mother was Hevan’s first female President; widely loved by many people and actually worked to fight the corruption and violence in the country. -Unfortunately, because Clerie’s mother was a woman, some did not like her – especially because she was more effective at running the nation than some of her previous male peers. -Because of this, Clerie was targeted – and was kidnapped and sold onto a human trafficking boat at a young age. -She was later rescued by the Silver Navy. Because of her status as a high-profile victim, she was under Zain’s care until she was returned to Hevan. -Clerie has incredibly fond feelings of Insomnia because of it. -Though her mother has been forced out of power after the Silver invasion and is now ‘living out her retirement peacefully’, many Hevan locals look to Clerie to follow in her mother’s footsteps. -Because Clerie and her mother remain very popular still, Fergus can’t remove or conscript her. -While he claims that they govern Hevan equally, in reality, Clerie acts more as his interpreter. While that gives her a certain amount of power, she can’t do much from that position. -Clerie is working behind the scenes to fight Silver’s rule, raising grassroots support to overturn Silver. -She’s contacted Ellis multiple times for ISDF support. He couldn’t do anything before to support Hevan without provoking Silver, but now that they are officially at war… -Always wears traditional Hevan wear, in a subtle but strong opposition to the ‘Silverwashing’ of Hevan.

  • Fergus Golden

    Age; 38 Affiliation; Silver / House Golden Bio: -Geneva and Cedric’s cousin. Actually fairly close to Geneva, weirdly enough. Maybe because they’re both terrible human beings? -A pompous asshole who believes – no, knows – he’s better than everyone else. -He lived in Platina for most of his life, before moving to Hevan about ten years ago to help set up/maintain a Golden orphanage there. -Being in such a backwater, poor place gave Fergus a power trip – cementing his idea that he, and Silver, are better than anyone or anything. -He worked with Geneva closely to make the invasion of Hevan a success. -He’s the de facto dictator of Hevan, even though he claims he’s only an ‘advisor’ there to teach Hevan of ‘proper governing’. -And part of helping Hevan be a strong international power is to install churches of Silver faith everywhere. -He also has abolished the education system and reworked it in the Silver tongue, pushing Silver ideals. Err… helping Hevan internationalize. -Despite him treating the locals like they’re roaches, he’s actually married to an ethnically Hevan woman. -No one knows what the fuck is up with that. Some people think it’s because she gives him a sense of superiority. Some speculate she grew up in Platina and is more Silver than Hevan despite her appearance. -Whatever the case, Geneva had once remarked that Fergus would be better for marrying someone more his equal. To which he responded, 'I, dear cousin, could not possibly have an equal.' See why they get along so well? -Has always thought that the Silver Navy spending so many resources on stopping human trafficking out of Hevan was a waste; because the locals are too uncivilized to merit that kind of effort. -The locals call him 'Tèt zozo' which he was told means ‘Your Highness’ but in Hevan actually means... something else. -Not that he’d know that.

  • Zain Feliciano

    Fallen from grace hobo fugitive. The picture is after his hair has grown out due to being on the run. Even at over 50 years old, he still maintains an unwavering compass of right and wrong. Had the honor of being the highest-ranked Insomnian in any kind of military branch, before he was accused of spying on Silver. He spent his entire career fighting human trafficking alongside Castiel, a cause he could easily work under the Silver flag because of how noble it was. He is one of the only Insomnians to ever have befriended a wyvern, a fact which has earned him the quiet respect of House Fannar. Because of his work ethic and admirable character, he earned the tentative respect of other Houses, too. Those that could overlook his ethnicity. Zain loves his family more than anything. If you were to ask him, he would say his greatest achievement in life is being a father and grandfather.

  • Kirlia Fannar

    Age: 28 Affiliation: Younger sister of Ryulia Don't let her cute and soft appearance fool you, Kirlia is as deadly as they come. She might be opposite to her older sister in that she likes to dress up pretty, but the love and talent for dragon care runs in her blood just as thickly. Because she was always soft spoken and gentle around others her family had never expected much of her, until a certain incident occurred when she was around ten. A feral dragon in the process of being tamed had gotten loose and grabbed her in it's fit and took off, and everyone expected the worse. Somehow, the rescue team instead found her later that night riding the very same dragon, and had to convince her to head home because of how much fun she was having. Ever since she's been something of a vice commander to Ryulia. They might not always get along because of their differences, but they're sisters through and through. Nobody could possibly count the number of times that they've saved each other from disaster, and the two work in such perfect sync that they seem to not even need to talk much to know what the other is planning. Perhaps the biggest piece of strife between them is that Kirlia just can't stick with a long term relationship, as she gets bored of them quickly and tosses them away and drags in the next. Maybe Ryulia wouldn't mind as much if it wasn't for the fact that Kirlia forces her to meet every single guy every single time and then talks her ear off about how much of a loser he was once she dumps them. There's plenty of outside pressure for her to just pick one man already and settle down, but she can't help that she is so particular in what she likes! Whereas Ryulia is known as the Snowlight Wraith, Kirlia is known as the White Reaper. Her dragon's name is Puff, and is a large white dragon with piercing purple eyes. He's been in the family for three generations. Before he had a traditional name in their native language, but Kirlia changed it to something cuter and...well, he responds to it, so it is what it is.

  • Rián Laelaps

    Age: 21 Affiliation: Silver Army Although much younger than his brother Remus, Rian is quite attached to him. His older brother is the only person he's ever shown much respect towards, which has always caused trouble. Everyone tends to say that even under better circumstances Rian still would have been as wild as ever, as he's been difficult to deal with since the day he was born. There doesn't seem to be any pinpoint reason for it, it's just in his nature to not like authority and to live more like an animal than a human. Which made it all the more surprising that Remus was the one who got arrested rather than Rian. The younger brother tends to go off on his own for days at a time for no reason other than liking to be on his own, and this was the case when his brother was arrested. When he found out about his brother joining the army, others were even more surprised to hear that Rian immediately went and enlisted as well. According to him, he said that if his brother was there then it must've been fun somehow. Although he was underage technically, he lacked any documents to prove it and they just let him in anyway since they could always use another blockhead to use as a meat shield. Obviously, he's been as great a soldier as one could expect. He typically gets left under Remus' supervision since they've given up on getting him to listen to anyone else. To this day he refuses to wear his uniform and most people forget he's technically a proper member of the army since he's just sort of...some obnoxious brat that won't go away. For what it's worth, he is obedient to his brother to a fault. If his brother told him to jump on a sword, he probably would.

  • Saena Sorrel

    Age: 25 Affiliation: Village Leader of Germania link Germania maintains an archaic system of government as is common with the more remote regions of Silver. In Germania, new leaders are chosen by the previous one and they are more akin to priestesses than political figures. They worship a goddess of agriculture as most of the town's livelihood surrounds this, so village leaders are usually women who possess a great deal of talent and knowledge for it. Most of these leaders remain in their position for life, and it's more common for the successor to be a member of the previous leader's own family. In Saena's case, she inherited the title from her grandmother. They maintain an amicable relationship with the oligarchs, in a sort of 'you do you and we'll do us' type of deal. Saena is friendly and outgoing, and it was of no surprise to anyone when she was picked to take the village over 5 years ago. She had always had a close relationship with her grandmother and took the duties of worship seriously, so it was a natural choice. Germania is a generally peaceful and quiet place, so the majority of people like her and enjoy having her around. She's especially popular among the older population who is happy to see that she is traditional and resistant to modernizing. Younger individuals sometimes point to her as being too conservative and say that she holds the village back, but there's no real strife over these debates. She's a dreamer and highly focused on peace, hoping that one day tensions will ease up between Silver and Insomnia. Silver continues to place pressure on her to increase their efforts on spying on Insomnia, but she's managed to skirt around it so far. Generally she is a pacifist, but not to the degree that she would idly allow Germania to come to harm. There's a militia under her rule, but they are more commonly used for dealing with bandits and out of control demibeasts.

  • Rello Mordecai

    age: 21 link A childhood friend of Sven's that has been working as his right hand man and his personal guard since before he became leader of House Grimm. He's fiercely defensive of him and not the sort of person most people have any business messing with, because he's an incredible alchemist that has the added bonus of knowing how to use it to compliment his fighting prowess. Although he's never had to get involved in a real life or death situation before, it would be foolish to take him lightly. He grew up in a rich family that was associated with House Grimm because they were famous shipbuilders who found ways to improve their navy with the added assistance of alchemy. Rello himself is a decent enough swimmer and is familiar with ships and how to operate them, but he prefers being on solid land and with his best friend. Has had a few girlfriends before, but things never work out because he prioritizes work over them. Indifferent relationship towards Zain and Castiel; basically employs the 'don't cause trouble and mind your business and I dont care what you do' mindset. He got along well with Kordelia, but he didn't argue with the decision to send her away from home. He's a yes man through and through.

  • Shura Drakensang

    Age: 43 Yrelorin’s father and the second in line to the Drakensang family unless Andrei ever has a kid, though he doesn’t particularly want the title. He’s not a serious individual and he spends most of his free time on vacation as far away from political drama as possible. That said, he feels a good deal of guilt that Andrei turned out somewhat rotten because he has a feeling that he could have done more to prevent it had he been around more often. He made up for it in his own way by establishing a close and loving relationship with his own kids, but he still gives them more freedom than he probably should be. He’s the fun dad! He’s never been married and has been with more women than he can remember, but at the very least his relationships usually end on the amicable side of things. Got enlisted to fight against Rubidium, but he wasn’t thrilled about getting his hands bloody and he doesn’t like to talk about those events because it was sad. He also got his ass beat and nearly died, leaving his body scarred to hell. At least the women say it makes him look rugged! As cool as the scars make him look, he’s lucky to be alive and has not set foot anywhere near Rubidium since then. He got a medical discharge from military service after that battle and hasn’t done any real work since. He's had a bit of work done on him in Insomnia to keep him younger looking, but he isn’t a big fan of the place since the people there clearly don’t like him.

  • Briar Cuevas

    Age: 21 Affiliation: Citizen of Helios Height: 5'0 ' Delinquent girl that lives in Helios and tends to get caught up in shenanigans whether she likes it or not. She didn't want to work in the mines like almost everyone else, but she didn't really want to do much anything else either. Because her parents think she has a job, she pickpockets idiots and brings it home and tells her parents she's working at a restaurant. She argues with them a lot, but she loves them. She just hates Helios and feeling like she's stuck having to do some garbage job that will treat her poorly and ruin her health like her parents. If it wasn't for the fact that her parents had her in their mid-teens, she figures she would have already been orphaned. Those mining jobs are no joke! She grew up with very little, so she had a strong appreciation for stuff that others would generally throw away. She's good at repurposing things and has a hidden shack somewhere on the beach in a less popular area to visit. Sometimes she goes there to create knickknacks and get away from people, sometimes she goes to sleep. Good at street fighting since she's had to protect herself plenty of times before. Doesn't seem to have any friends since she has a hard time getting along with others as most people think she's a lazy slob. Very athletic and high endurance.

  • Sibylle Silver-Grimm

    Age: 49 Position: Daughter of Rutherford, Mother of Sven and Grif Not someone you would expect to be an Oligarch based on her personality. She's playful, spunky, and crude. The type of person who lives freely and can't be controlled, which is ironic since she had a thing with Vash for a while. She had a pretty strong feeling that he was only seeing her because of her status, but she liked him for being different, even if most people would have found his 'differentness' unpleasant. She was never the type to take over House Silver, but she loved adventures. She joined the the navy when she was young and took to sailing on an exploration vessel. The ship was damaged in a storm while near Insomnia, and they were forced to port there for an entire year while waiting for repairs because Insomnia lacked the right materials to fix it. While there she met Vash and ended up pregnant, and told him that she had to leave the baby with him because it wouldn't end well for her if anyone found out. She had said at the time that she intended to stop by from time to time, but unfortunately things didn't turn out that way. When she returned to Platina after all the time away, she found out that she was to be engaged with the new leader of House Grimm, who had taken a liking to her due to her career. She found him completely unpleasant, and after she had two children with him she went back to work and continued sailing. Whether or not she intended to ever make it back to Vash and her son in Insomnia remained a mystery, because her ship went missing on her first voyage back to sea. Many speculate what happened to her, some saying that she was captured by pirates or the ship sank due to age and numerous patch jobs that it had needed over the years. Kordelia believes she's still out there somewhere, even though she and her brother have no memories of her. Had a good relationship with Zain and Castiel, since she treated everyone as equals and was happy to see an Insomnian and a man from Silver be good friends. They only met a handful of times including at her wedding (because of course, the two had to be present for the Grimm's leader) but she had always drank and chatted with them like old friends. It's said that she had a contagious laugh. The nation spent a week in a mourning period over her after she was declared MIA, likely deceased.

  • Myfanwy Fflur

    WITCH OF THE ABYSS -- Around 30 years old and 8 feet tall, covered in iridescent crystals. Her skin is a dark blue-black. -- A highly wanted criminal in Amaranthe who fled the country four years ago and ended up in Silver, exact location unknown -- The specific crime she's wanted for is a double homicide, but she was being sought for before that happened -- There's many different rumors about her and her background, but it's largely agreed upon that she was a skilled witch that touched into ancient magic that she shouldn't have and lost her humanity -- Hence the title of Witch of the Abyss, given to her by the citizens -- Until Amaranthe knew that she had fled to Silver there was a nationwide alert for everyone to remain in hiding because they didn't know the scale of her abilities or how dangerous she might be -- Nothing happened however, and some say that they exaggerated how much of a threat she was -- Although she fled to Silver, somehow there have been no reported sightings of her despite her remarkable appearance -- Some say that she might've died as a result of the transformation her body underwent from accessing forbidden magic

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