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150 items found for ""

  • Solanine Majele

    Faceclaim Age: 21 Affiliation: ISDF, Corporal Bio: -Solanine is an absolute genius. Because so few people are on her level, she tends to be arrogant and looks down on people. -Actually doesn’t despise Gale, because he’s so stupid he’s rather easy to read and – in her opinion – control. -Her forte is experimenting with nanobots and seeing how they can enhance soldiers – she was one of the key engineers behind Merc’s invisibility technology. -Joined the ISDF because Ellis/Vash offered her unlimited money to keep researching if she enrolled. -Because of her intelligence, she’s an excellent strategist but terrible at managing people. -The technology she is developing is considered highly unethical unless some foreigner no one cared about volunteered (like Merc), though she usually likes to test on rats or other animals first. -She does not give a damn about the war. Just wants to watch the world burn. She thinks she’s too smart to get hurt. -She’ll get toxikinesis as a power if/when given the opportunity.

  • Isla Festus

    Age: 45 One of the main stars of Real Housewives of Insomnia, and Arthur’s ex. After leaving Arthur with their twins, she continued to seek out a rich husband. Eventually she successfully caught the eye of a company executive whom she soon married and started a family with, and that’s where she’s been since. She’s never made any mention to her new family about her two daughters that she left behind. In more recent times she was invited to join the long-time ongoing reality tv series RHoI due to the connections she had with some of the women already on it. She’s quickly become a fan favorite because of her cool attitude and sharp remarks, and many women in Insomnia look to her to follow her beauty advice. Not that most of it works, of course – everything she has is bought and paid for. An unfortunate example that sometimes bad people don’t get what they deserve.

  • Ruairi Laurier

    Age: 29 The host of the most popular talk show in Insomnia as well as a regular podcaster. Well beloved by women in Insomnia for his good looks and deep voice, and what a shame, his girlfriend and him recently broke up! Of course, this makes him Insomnia’s most eligible bachelor, and all of his fans are desperate to catch his eye. Most of the people who aren’t interested in the hype generally roll their eyes and groan whenever they are forced to hear about it…which is pretty regular. Like him or hate him, he’s not a bad person by any means. He does a good job with his work and has a good reputation in the entertainment industry, enough so that he’s been in contact with House Macario a few times – though he inevitably could never be an oligarch due to being an Insomnian. The curse would have made it difficult to live in Silver anyway, and how could he just leave his fans behind? And living in Insomnia is way more comfortable, does Silver even have real plumbing? The significance of Ruairi is not in his popularity, but the fact he’s closely associated with Ellis. Ruairi is an expert at spreading whatever propaganda that Ellis wants him to, and he’s been doing it for years. It doesn’t bother Ruairi to any extent that some of the stuff he shares is less than truthful, he believes that Ellis knows what’s right and it’s for the greater good. Plus, it’s mutual. Ellis has helped out his career in numerous ways and he’d never be at the level of influence he is without him. He’s met Indigo once or twice, and whether Indigo likes him or not, Ruairi was nice to him. He complimented his robotic work and offered to give him a job doing similar work for him instead, but was turned down.

  • Llyr Grimm-Weller

    Age; 27 Bio: Llyr is technically part of House Grimm, but is far removed. His grandfather was the brother of Castiel’s father/Sven and Kordelia’s grandfather. His maternal line? Mermaids. He was pushed to join the Navy at a young age, and is an exceptional swimmer without equal. Though initially he didn’t like serving the Navy, Llyr grew to love it when he became a rescue diver and witnessed firsthand the impact of his work. He’s done some pretty impressive tours with the Navy, consistently going above and beyond what was expected of a rescue diver and playing a strong hand in some naval operations. As he rose through the ranks quickly, despite his age, his dedication to Navy work was recognized and he was selected as the next Admiral after Castiel was dismissed. No one’s really certain just how dominant his mermaid traits are, but people have noticed he always wears high-collared shirts, long pants, and he cannot - and will not - eat any seafood at all. He once gagged at a navy ball because they served fish. However, when Felda asked him about his bloodline in the job interview, he claimed that his mermaid ancestry is so diluted he has no traits at all, other than being a good swimmer. Whatever the truth is, Llyr is clearly self-conscious about it.

  • Kachi Soren

    Age: 23 Another traditional Insomnian beauty. She works in one of the city council leadership positions for one of the high end areas of town as an elected official. It's as bottom rung as it comes for the political world, so much so that she ran unopposed. Truth is, she actually tossed her name in because she just really needed a job because her parents wouldn't take her being a neet anymore. She has absolutely no experience as a worker nor any real drive, but fortunately her position is so insignificant that nobody seems to want to do anything about her. The hardest part of her job is she has to deal with all the super annoying complaints from citizens in her district, all complaining about potholes or lights needing replaced or whatever. She is friendly enough, but she complains a lot about having to do anything and it's clear that she doesn't belong there. She likes to read gossip news and follow everything about her favorite celebrities. Sometimes she leaves food for Indigo as a gift after she met him once (the complaining citizens kept her really late that day...) but it's actually her just pawning off things she doesn't like that her mom made her. She is Chelsea's younger sister, but the two don't get along well. Some people speculate that she only got on the ballot because she comes from an important family, but it was really just Ellis not paying attention to who was applying for it because it wasn't significant enough to worry about.

  • Lennon Pax

    Faceclaim (#1) Age: 24 Affiliation: Insomnia / Elected Judge Bio; The oldest of six other siblings, all girls, his parents were two wealthy bankers. -Surrounded by literally all cute, fluffy women his whole life, Lennon was the target of many dress-ups and play dates. -Always liked music, and he started his own band called dear resolve, when he was only 13. -Around this time, his father was involved in a banking scandal and he was ultimately convicted of fraud – even though he had insisted he never did it. -Unfortunately, the pressure to be the good Insomnia citizen and the bad press caused his father to commit suicide. -After this, his style of music started veering into the emo/pop/punk. Though he was always a good kid and never got into trouble, despite his appearance and the music he makes. -Whip-smart, Lennon graduated high school at 16 and focused on dear resolve, while also taking pre-law classes. -During his college tenure, his band skyrocketed in popularity. While not the most popular due to the genre and the whininess, he had a significant following. -After he graduated college and entered law school, he conducted an interview with a local Insomnia journalist. -This was right before election season, and he mentioned something about how it was his dream to be a judge one day. -And just like that, all his fans wrote his name in on the ballet! He never even had a campaign! -And that’s the story of how a pop-punk star became Insomnia’s highest judicial official, even though he never graduated law school. -Has a super whiney, pop-punk-rock sound. Like this or this -To anyone that doesn’t know him well, he is very ‘no one will ever know the depth of darkness’ sort of emo person. To keep up with his band’s façade. -Despite his outward appearance and penchant for focusing on doom and gloom, Lennon takes justice very seriously and never sees the gray. -Has never collaborated with Caspian and unfortunately isn’t aware he exists.

  • Blitz Armitage

    faceclaim Age: 25 Affiliation: Insomnia / Deputy Mayor Bio: -Having lost his father from the Second Ascension, Blitz grew up with an overwhelmed mom and an older sister. -Because of all the government assistance given to his family as victims of the Second Ascension which allowed them to have a semi-normal life, Blitz became passionate about public service. -He loves Insomnia technology and because of his energy and passion, he was selected as a ‘technology diplomat’ to Silver four years ago. -Though most people treated him kindly, the Insomnia curse got to him and he… had to come back, only out there for a year and with much left to do. -He doesn’t really speak about the incident, but the telegram that Ellis received was that there was an incident where Blitz was given ‘persona non grata’ status and expelled from Silver. -It’s hard to believe, since Blitz is a pretty genki nerd. -Either way, once back to Insomnia, he became involved in politics and started admiring Ellis. -Despite his age, based off of his passion and awareness of politics, he was elected last year to fill the Deputy spot. -Even though he’s always knocking on Ellis’ door to see how he can help or get more involved, Ellis tends to handwave him and gives him projects that don’t really matter too much in the grand scheme of things. -He has tried many times to geek out over the newest technological developments with Ellis, or try to engage with his boss in some way after work, but… somehow, he’s too busy to be interested? -Because Blitz is always sent home the second it turns dark (even though he’d gladly work overtime to help!), he’s never met Indigo, even though they work in the same place. -A big fan of Zuri, as she’s arguably the most talented engineer in Insomnia. Met her once and couldn’t stop talking about one of her robot companions he purchased for himself.

  • Sylvestra Macario

    Age: 19 Sylvestra's mother was the former leader of House Macario a few generations back. Because of this connection, she has been a member for as long as she can remember. And while she might be a nepotism baby, her performance as a theater actress is nothing short of genuine. Throughout her life she's held prominent roles in shows that had foreign world leaders in the audience, and never has she cracked from nerves. A genuine passion for the art drives her to work tirelessly to perfect her craft so she can show others something incredible. Outside of the theater world, she doesn't pay very much attention to what's going on in the world. A lot of it seems sad or scary to her, so she avoids having to hear about it so it won't affect her mood. Perhaps because she has the attention of so many powerful people she should be using her position to push for change, but she wouldn't even know where to begin on what needed to be said or done. She laments the fact that she is only a genius in a make believe setting, while ultimately useless in the real world. Her closest confident is her fiance, Rutherford V. His grandmother had been a fan and a friend of her mom when she was still active, so a marriage agreement was created for the two when both were too young to even understand what it meant. Despite this, the two have always had a positive relationship. Syl is a fantastic listener for Junior, and she enjoys singing or practicing her lines in front of him to get his opinion. The two have always been close, and it was likely they would have ended up together regardless even if their families hadn't pushed for it. Despite them both being of age, the only reason why they haven't actually married yet is because Sylvestra spent the last two years in Amaranthe training with a famous theater troupe to broaden her skills. She continued to stay faithful to him the entire time she was gone and regularly sent him letters regarding what she was learning or what things were like on the other side of the world, and she always stressed about how much she missed him. Fortunately for the both of them, the training period had just ended a while before the start of the current story, and Sylvestra is on the long sailing trip home, eager to reunite with him. How soon after that they'll decide to marry is anyone's guess.

  • Eira Draughn

    Age: dead Bio: a farm girl who lived outside the capitol city. She seemed bored with life and would talk to anyone and everyone who passed by the village she lived in. She got herself in trouble a lot for this, but she herself wasn't a bad person; just easy to manipulate. For a while she was visiting a witch in the woods and after a certain incident, ended up dead. The only reason she was identified was due to a missing person report that somewhat fit the description of the corpse that was found. A second corpse was also present but was never identified, likely of someone who was not from the area.

  • Bryn Cadogan

    age: 24 A fellow wizard knight that is good friends with Atlantes. He's a big romantic sap and tends to be bad at his work because he's frequently distracted by women. He refuses to let Atlantes read his future and says it's because he thinks it's all made up, but really it's because he's insecure and he's afraid it might say he'll die alone. He's a big fan of Castiel's writing, but he's never met him. Of course, he doesn't speak a lick of Silver and has to wait extra long for his books to get brought overseas and translated! Back when he was very little, bandits attacked the village he grew up in. To save his mother from certain death he attacked the man who had entered their house, and the commotion got his father's attention from outside and he came in and saved them. It was a bit too late, however, as the bandit had broken Bryn's left arm beyond use and it would later be amputated. Because he was so young when this happened, it was easy for him to adapt. He never forgot the incident, and he vowed to become strong so that he could protect others. His magic is so-so, but his best quality is in calming others down during emergencies and getting civilians to cooperate. He's best at support magic that boosts the abilities of others. Unfortunately he never really became a great fighter since he lost his dominant arm and probably never would've been much good at it anyway, but he's not completely worthless if he needs to fight. He's found meaning in finding other ways to protect people in ways that he still can. Most of his romantic relationships fail because he's the type to become overbearing, so most people get scared off quickly. He's also very scatterbrained, so on a few occasions he's forgotten he's forgotten he's already seeing someone and has run off with another person and ended up in trouble. Atlantes has had to cover for him hiding from angry women on more than one occasion, which is how they ended up friends to begin with.

  • Rutherford von Martiin Silver IV

    Age: 47 One of the generals of the actual Silver army, the eldest son of Rutherford, and the father of Felda and Junior. Because of the three generations of the same name, he goes by Ford, or General Silver to subordinents. A highly controversial figure. To people who might be considered to be nationalists, he's a symbol of heroism. To those more critical of the nation's policies and actions, they would say he's guilty of genocide and should be put to death. In his own words, he's just doing what seems to him to be in the best interest of the many rather than the few, and it can't be helped that not everyone will agree. He lead the subjugation of Rubidium and while he may not have personally killed many people there, he is largely responsible for it. He has never given anyone reason to believe that he feels regretful for the death toll, but he doesn't go around bragging about it either. He also participated in the takeover of Hevan, but he handed things over to Fergus once they had it under control. To people who know him personally, he's got a personality similar to his father. He's got a strong aura to him and exudes confidence, but he's kind and good to his family and those close to him. He's frequently fawned over by women who find him handsome, but he's been loyally married to a woman his father arraigned him to marry decades ago. Like his father as well, he's actually in love with his wife and maintains a good relationship with her.

  • Elowen Essie

    Age: 19 alt A cute young woman living on her parent's chicken farm a few hundred miles outside of Platina. Her town of Windrow is very small, with less than 50 people living in it. People often say that Elowen is too pretty to be living there and should head into the city to get married, but she ignores it because she enjoys living in her quiet and peaceful world. Because Windrow is a frequent place for travelers and traders to stop at, word reaches there quickly, but she tends to not pay much attention to ongoing events.

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