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  • Cirri Phaedra

    Age; 24 Affiliation; Silver / Soldier (Pegasus Troop – will think of a cool name later) Likes; horses of all kinds (particularly pegasi), knitting, crocheting, sugar cubes and hard candies, her sisters, manicures Dislikes; the oligarch families (particularly Drakensang), surprises, loud and sudden noises, people with terrible/unkempt nails Bonus Info; Crotchets cute blankets for all the pegasi in her troop so they stay warm. Will knit sweaters for the people in her troop that she likes. She’ll also comment on people if they visibly don’t take care of themselves. Bio; Cirri grew up in the outskirts of Platina, near a research lab maintained by House Drakensang. Her and her family have strong pegasus blood running in their veins and thus are visibly different from other Silver residents. A few generations back, the Phaedra demi-human family had unsuccessfully fought to usurp Drakensang from its role as a primary oligarch family. For that reason, she and her several sisters were treated harshly, spending most of their childhood in the research lab. While she was born with full white wings, years of repeated research and plucking her wings have resulted in slim, weak wings that cannot even lift her an inch off the ground. Cirri had a horn, but it was cut out so deeply it hasn’t grown back. She covers the scar with her bangs. During long periods of waiting between the research tests, she picked up knitting and crocheting as a hobby and befriended full pegasi and unicorns that were also being researched at this particular lab. As she can communicate with pegasi, she quickly befriended one named Tiamo. As Silver started preparing for war, she was released from the lab to form a Pegasus troop along with other Silver residents. Her other sisters, being younger or more frail than her, were kept behind in the lab. Though Cirri is one of the more effective soldiers on the team, the leader of the Pegasus troop is a member of House Drakensang. While Cirri hates the oligarchic structure of Silver on principal, since her sisters are still in Platina, she keeps any negative feelings to herself.

  • Ramona Novak

    Age: 17 Affiliation: Ellis' daughter and Indigo's younger sister Likes: Art, Fashion, Makeup, Stressing Her Brother Out, Grilled Meat Dislikes: School, Being Told What To Do, Strictness, Being Treated Like A Child Other Info: She only became aware that Ellis was her biological father two years ago, but unlike her brother she doesn't seem like she could care less. To her he's still just her mom's come and go boyfriend and she has no issues with just calling him Ellis. Bio: Having grown up in a more difficult home life than the average Insomnian, Ramona found it difficult to make friends until she was older. She instead focused on art to keep her company as a child when her brother was busy, and as she got older she became a bit more rebellious. Of course, their family was never poor or anything of the sort, but having an absent alcoholic mother and father is still difficult and leaves for some resentment towards life. While she's not really a drop-out, she skips school often and spends a lot of time hanging around the wharf with people who others would typically consider to be shady characters. Realistically, she has a very strong sense of street smarts and knows who and who not to talk to most of the time. She's not a bad person by any means, but she does have a temper and will not hold back when she wants to make a point.

  • Lumière Feliciano

    Affiliation: Colonel in the Insomnia Defense Force Likes: Sweets, Cute clothing, Insomnia, Her Family, Arthur, Video Games, Drawing Dislikes: Vash, Heartbreak, Having To Be Strict, Overtime, Making Mistakes Other info: She originally thought to be a video game designer when she was a teenager, but life had other plans. Although the recruits under her experience a tough and hardworking woman with a strong dedication to improving herself, at home she's a lot more easygoing and still likes to indulge in her hobbies. Bio: After the events of the first arc of Insomnia, Lumi decided that she wanted to commit to protecting the city and was the first to volunteer for the Insomnia Defense Force when it was created. Despite having to juggle motherhood and Zain often being gone for long periods of time, Lumi seems to have managed well. She went to college and focused her efforts on learning skills to be a tactician and also can speak Silver's language fluently as well as some of the regional languages.

  • Erei Kuvasz

    Age; 21 Affiliation; Insomnia / Soldier (Private First Class) Likes; parkour, insomnia, plants (particularly cacti), gardening in general, her squadron, plans Dislikes; silver, jokes, making decisions Bonus Info; Keeps her silver hair very long only because she can never decide on a style or when to cut it. Bio; Erei is a serious young woman who is singlemindedly patriotic. A poster child for the effects of Ellis’ propaganda, preparing for war has been the only thing she has known she has grown up. Like her parents, she hates Silver – but unlike them, she developed the desire to bear arms to protect her country. Her parents did not want their only daughter to be involved in the war, preferring she do something peaceful with her life instead. Erei refused, cutting ties with her parents. She lied about her age to enlist in the defense forces at the age of 17. Though Erei has been in the defense forces for four years, she has not promoted too high because of her inability to make decisions. She is exceptional at executing a plan once it is given to her – she is one of the most athletic soldiers in the defense forces, being a parkour master, and excels at firearms. She wears the standard combat uniform, with a pair of high tech boots that allow her to be more nimble and jump supernaturally high. Because of her natural athleticism, she's one of few soldiers who has the fitness for it. But... Erei will get stumped if she has to make decisions. She once got her entire squadron ‘killed’ in a training exercise where her commanding officer, Lumiere Feliciano, made her in charge. She loves the military lifestyle as it's all decided for her; down to food and sleeping time. Other than that one training exercise which resulted horribly, Erei greatly admires Lumiere and would not hesitate to take a bullet for her. As she no longer speaks to her parents and isn’t interested in reconnecting with them until Insomnia is free of Silver’s rule, Erei treats her squadron like family. She is very rarely seen smiling, though her teammates comment that if they see her parkouring around town, Erei looks… at peace. She considers it good military training and makes it a challenge for herself to run around looking for abandoned buildings where she might be able to plant something at the top… if only she could decide what to plant. Lumi allowed her to keep a planter in the dorms, where she grows a variety of herbs and other plants. Even though she grows her own plants, she’s not a flower person and can’t cook – mainly because she would never be able to decide what to eat on her own. She has given the people she likes tiny cacti; everyone on her team has their own that she grew herself. Erei likes cacti because they are resilient and can survive even in drought. Most people outside of her squadron don’t know her indecisive, greenthumb side and see her as the perfect soldier.

  • Winnie Feliciano

    Age: 5 Affiliation: Granddaughter of Zain and Lumi Likes: Dislikes: Other info: unnamed son or daughter of Zain and Lumi ended up with a kid while in high school, and that's all I came up with. Bio: idk yet

  • Indigo Novak

    +Is V's vassal, and has the power of possessing people/mind control. Actually cousins with Grif, and they used to play together as toddlers. He doesn't remember it. Has a crush on Florrie but he's not sure what to do about it. Age: 23 Affiliation: Insomnia / engineer Likes: Robotics/engineering, organized spaces, his sister, studying, the Felicianos Dislikes: his parents (especially Ellis) – or so he says, alcohol, smoking, the war efforts Bonus Info: Sometimes gets mistaken for Ellis when he walks around as he takes more after his dad than his mom in appearance. He’s not a spitting clone of him so it doesn’t happen all the time, but they have the same height, build, and mannerisms – so it happens often enough that it’s become something he despises. His eyes are indigo in color, despite what his FC picture displays. Bio: Growing up to an irresponsible young mother and a father who was forced to keep his distance from them for safety was rather hard on Indigo as a kid. Though he wouldn’t admit it as an adult, as a kid he was always seeking his father’s attention and would often sneak into the city hall late (though, Ellis definitely knew his kid was around even though Indigo thought he was the smartest kid in the world for evading his dumb dad). Sometimes, when Ellis wasn’t in the office or was just asleep on the desk, Indigo would try to organize all of the papers he had lying around. Once, he had found Ellis’ robot hand which had malfunctioned earlier that day and Indigo spent all night trying to fix it, and wouldn’t stop until it was working again. Soon after, Aunt Zuri told him he was good with robots and took time to teach him how to fix all the robots that kept city hall running. Over time, though, Indigo began to grow resentful of his parents for being absent whether physically or mentally – of course they tried, and money was never an issue, but Indigo had to basically parent his mother and make sure his dad didn’t kill himself with alcohol poisoning. There were far too many little incidents where Ellis brushed him off in favor of an important meeting that built up over time. When Indigo’s little sister was born, his burden increased tenfold and took it upon himself to make sure she didn’t grow up to as disappointed in their parents as he did. Though he has great people skills and inherited his father’s charisma, he prefers robots to people. Aunt Zuri left a great positive impact on his life – if you ask him, he’d say even greater than his own parents – and he’s especially close with Zuri’s kids, often staying over her home before his sister was born. He’s been pressured to use his engineering talent for the defense forces, but he is an anomaly in that he is very anti-war. Employed by the Insomnia government as he’s essentially a high-tech city hall janitor, so even though Ellis is technically his boss, they never interact or when they do, Ellis is met with a lot of hostility on Indigo’s side. However, Indigo borrows Zuri’s lab with her permission to work on some side projects…

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