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- Felda Silver
Age: 23 -Brand new leader of House Silver after her Grandfather stepped down. -Currently she is the general of an army of about 2000 people that is stationed in Platina. -They mostly handle conflicts within the city, but do go outside the city for patrols. -She's very charismatic and generous, and has no problem meeting with the poor members of society. -She's very popular within her house because of her charisma, which is largely why she was chosen. -Some say that it's actually because she's quite naive and would be able to be manipulated easily -Despite other oligarchs finding her friendliness to commoners gross, nobody ever bothers her about it due to her position. -She also spends a great deal of time with Rudy and learns about government from him -Has heterochromia, one brown eye and one grey.
- Aigha-jeomma (AJ) Diarantyrth
Age: 19 Alt FC 1 Alt FC 2 - His name is pronounced Eye-gah Jom-ma Deer-Rinth, it's a very traditional name in his culture - Means 'burning arrow of the sun", as the sun is often a symbol of justice in Rubidium - Outside of Rubidium, he's usually called AJ because most think his name's too hard - Those who know him personally call him Aigha, which is the word for arrow - His family had been dragon warriors for generations in Rubidium, but he's all that's left now - After their attempted rebellion failed, he and many others were brought to court in Platina - Because he was only 4 at the time, he was spared from execution unlike most others Bio: There is not much that Aigha remembers about Rubidium, because he was so young when he was kidnapped from his home. It wasn't like he had done anything wrong -- he was far too young to be involved in the rebellion and was only taken as collateral so that the army could further their point to the survivors that were left behind. The few things he remembers is his name, the dragons his parents kept, and the sight of the corpses slowly being buried by sand in the desert with no way to know which belonged to people he loved. Because he was so young, Rutherford saw no benefit in having him hung like most of the others were. Instead he was tossed over to the other live in servants who were more than happy to raise an orphan who would be one of their own. He officially started work as a butler soon after, though his tasks were kept light until he was older. Because he was in House Silver, they couldn't have an uneducated lout of a servant around so he was given the same education as the oligarchs got, though he kept himself distant to avoid trouble. The only real thing that proves he's from Rubidium after 15 years is his appearance. He has no accent, and he has long forgotten how to speak the local language other than a few words here and there. Because the help at House Silver is expected to be above and beyond the servants of all the other houses, he's extremely talented in many fields. For protection, he keeps a knife under his shirt which he's shown to be able to throw across a room and into the skull of an intruder with precision. He's acrobatic as well, having been seen catching falling plates with an extended foot among other feats. Although he's quiet and difficult to read, he's willing to talk to people who approach him and is generally quite sincere, although inexpressive. The older servants tend to coo over him and see him like a son, so he seems quite protective of all the servants in return. That said, it isn't as though he's forgotten the memory of bloodied bodies painting the earth of his homeland crimson.
- Razir
Age: 20 Other information: Cellmate of Zain in Platina. Demihuman with the appearance of an oni. Because of their appearance the majority of demihumans that look like him live in a village far from the walls of any city, but Razir had been living in the slums of Platina when he was arrested. Because most find his large and pointed teeth frightening, he wears a mask. In public he usually wears a wide brimmed hat to cover his horns and pointed ears. Last names are not a thing in the village he comes from, so he doesn't have one. Bio: The eldest in a very large family that lives in a village hundreds of miles to the east of Platina. It's a known settlement to Silver, but because everyone that lives there are demonic in appearance, they tend to stay away from it out of disgust and fear. Because of this, Razir had a very different life than others in Silver and does not harbor any of the feelings of a usual Silver native and instead has a stoic and optimistic outlook on things as is common with the people of his village. Things were fortunate where he lived, and most people lived full and happy lives without much trouble. Recently however, there have been a lot of missing persons cases. People were vanishing without any explanation or trace to suggest what may have happened or where they had gone. Knowing that the rest of the world didn't like them, his village feared that they were finally being targeted for some reason. Determined to find an explanation, Razir set out for the capital while the rest of the village hunkered down to try and avoid any further cases from occurring. He had high hopes, as he had never actually interacted with any outsiders before and had never personally experienced discrimination. Of course, things went about as poorly as his parents warned him it would. Most everyone he approached would yell at him, throw things or hit him, or just plain run away. What made things worse was that it was impossible to understand him because his jaw and mouth is misshapen from mutations and the dialect of Silver Common that his village spoke was thickly accented and accounted for their shared demihuman characteristics. He didn't even know that he was strange until he made it to Platina -- he'd only ever seen people that looked like him before, so why would he? As far as he was concerned, it was everyone else that looked weird. How could they even eat with such small mouths and flat teeth? Still, he tried his best to fit in and make things work. He knew how to write, so he tried his best to cover his appearance and held up pre-written signs that asked if anyone knew how he could contact the leader of the nation. He didn't know anything about how Silver dealt with ruling over their homelands, but back at his village his dad just took of everyone. He figured that things must be somewhat similar, but his signs just made people even more confused. Eventually a group of soldiers saw him and decided to arrest him for no other reason than the fact that they noticed what he looked like. They said something about him being suspected for thievery, but he knew it was just an excuse that they made up to justify it. He was self-sufficient enough that even without money he could find food of his own, but he did get weird looks for hunting things like squirrels and crows. It was normal food where he lived and a lot of the people in the slums were starving themselves, so it seemed pretty dumb that they thought he was the strange one... Anyway, after getting thrown in a dungeon for a while and being treated like trash, he was eventually brought to a nicer prison located in a huge fancy building that he had never seen anything like before. His new friend in this surprisingly comfortable jail seemed to be an oddity himself, so Razir had no hesitation trying to befriend him. He has no idea why he was brought to this nice place considering he was arrested purely out of hatred to begin with, but he's a bit apprehensive because of it.
- Kola Corcoran
Age: 22 Likes: Girls, Warm weather, Painting, Classical music Dislikes: Allergies (has them frequently), Hard work, Fighting, Fish, Oceans, Seagulls Other Info: He's the biological father of Winnie, but unfortunately he has no idea she exists and God only knows how he would react if he did. He has a bad habit of making promises he can't fulfill because in the moment they seem like a great idea. Presently, he lives in Platina. Bio: Born and raised in a wealthy family, but not one that is an Oligarch member. Some of his relatives have had business with some of those families and some more distant family members have gone on to marry into oligarch families. It's honestly a better gig to be of prestige but not be anyone actually important, because he gets all of the benefits without any of the work. Well, it was supposed to be like that anyway. Although Kola isn't a jerk or anything of the sort, he's spoiled to the core and has never really needed to lift a finger in his life. He gives off an impression that he's a lot greater than he really is because he tends to boast in a way that makes girls easily swoon for him. This eventually got him in trouble when he broke the heart of the wrong girl, and his dad sent him to work with House Grimm on a fucking fishing vessel! For ten whole months he was stuck hauling stupid fish around to a few different places and hated every bit of it. Eventually this punishment took him to Insomnia, which happened to be the only halfway decent place because the girls there all were wealthy or surgically altered to be super hot. He hung out with some girl there a few times and probably made some empty promises that he was going to abandon Silver for her, but he barely remembers all that. He's been with too many girls for one random one to stick out. And besides, why would he give up a life of leisure? Eventually he made it back to Platina and the fishermen he had been with had been more than happy to dump him back with his family so they didn't have to deal with his laziness and complaining anymore. His life has gone back to normal since then, messing around with girls and living his best life.
- Selene Feliciano
Faceclaim Age; 21 Affiliation; Insomnia Likes; movies, having tea parties with Winnie, the Novaks/Virides, bitter food Dislikes; being judged, unrealistic happy endings in media, Athena (as Athena's success reminds Selene of how much of a failure she feels she is) Other info; She likes to watch movies with Morgan. So she doesn’t mooch off of her mom’s wealth, she has offered to model Ramona’s fashion designs. Selene doesn't particularly like it, but it does give her a much-needed dopamine boost when people comment online about how pretty the model is. other fcs; here Bio; One of Zain and Lumi’s daughters, and only a year older than Athena, Selene grew up in a household full of love. Although it was hard with both of her parents being away, there was never a doubt that they had a loving relationship and having such good people as parents meant that she grew up believing everyone was honest and kind. Especially - having such a righteous man as a father - when it came to boys. Unfortunately for her, Selene is exceptionally beautiful – though she’s very tall at almost six foot, she inherited all the best genes from her family and attracted quite a lot of boys when she was in school. And, because she had such a stable household, she believed the hormone-riddled boy who said he loved her and wanted to be with her forever at only 16. And so Selene got pregnant. Everything changed when she got pregnant, and immediately was outcast by her peers at school. As a social pariah, she became depressed and struggled to fit in. She had to drop out of high school because the stress of the pregnancy, school work, and the judgment of her peers was too crushing on her. Her family, mainly the Novaks and the Virides, became her rock. Selene used to be more optimistic and happy, and though Winnie is her joy in life, having been so cruelly dismissed by the world tinted her worldview several shades darker. She's not currently in school and is taking care of Winnie full time. When she compares herself to Athena, she feels like a total failure and an idiot for believing the boy who said he loved her. Selene has become rather withdrawn when it comes to interacting with strangers, and only lights up when interacting with her daughter.
- Artemis Hurion of Amaranthe
Age; 22 Affiliation; Amaranthe (Neutral) Likes; spellcraft, his country, dried flowers, herbs, hiking, potion-making, tea, languages, children, calligraphy Dislikes; smoking, war/violence, pollution, poverty, spicy food, inequity Bonus info; He is fluent in several languages. He is a calm and serious individual, but can’t handle spicy food. It’s his most embarrassing weakness. He’ll keep it together alright, but he’ll be suffering. Bio; The current King of Amaranthe, son of the former King Arthur who died young. Known as “The Magician King”, he’s widely loved by Amaranthine people. While he is incredibly kind, he holds a great sadness. It seems he is greatly burdened by something he doesn’t dare repeat. No one’s ever seen him smile, not even his closest confidantes.
- Zuri Feliciano
You know who tf this is
- Galeas Cramoisi
Age: 21 Affiliation: Member of the Insomnian Defense Force Likes: Training, Insomnia, His family, Other recruits, Anyone stronger than him Dislikes: Cold weather, Being sick, Awkward conversations, When his mother is upset, House Golden Other info: He's a meathead through and through; he's not much good at book smarts types of things and had to heavily rely on tutors and his dad's help with school. As a result, he ended up dropping out of high school at 16 and enlisted in the defense force. The technical youngest age to enlist is 17, but he forged his dad's signature for permission to join early. Having not told his parents about dropping out and joining the defense force... You can imagine how well that went over. Bio: When Gale was a young boy, he experienced the brunt of his mother's stress on one occasion. He'd been acting out and wasn't listening as children of his age tend to do, and his mother grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her so hard that it bruised. He remembers well that she had this look upon her face like something had possessed her, but it wouldn't be until he was older that he would understand that this ghost had been the spirit of a traumatic history that still kept her tight in it's grip. Thankfully at that time, his dad had heard the commotion and had intervened before anything else happened. He remembers just as clearly the sound of his mother's wailing cries over something he could never comprehend. His mother never raised a hand to him again, but that didn't mean that she was completely normal. When she found herself struggling with dealing with him she'd wrap her arms around him in an embrace and hug him so tightly that he found it would start to become difficult to breathe, but he'd never say anything or try to push her away out of fear. She'd tell him over and over again that she loved him, and he was sure that she did, even if he was afraid of her. As he got older he did his best to behave and keep his mother at arms length, preferring to stay close to his father instead. She was overbearing and overprotective, making it difficult for him to socialize when he was young either because he wasn't allowed to go out or because she would show up wherever he went and her disquieting aura would frighten the other kids, or she'd simply act in a way that ended up making him feel sorry for making her stressed over him. Sure, his dad tried to do things to improve the situation, but he was busy with his work and couldn't magically fix his mother. Around the time he was entering high school, he stayed out too late and caused his mother to have a panic attack. She explained to him at this time a bit of her past; how she'd grown up in an orphanage that was very cruel to her and it made her a bit different from other moms. She wished that he could forgive her for being such a terrible parent, and he immediately switched to being extremely protective and close to her rather than the other way around. He wished desperately that he could make right the injustice his mother faced...for the crimes the Golden House were never punished for. Of course, the easiest way to do this was by joining the Defense Force. And his parents both were as upset as one would expect when they found out he'd dropped out of school and joined illegally, but he knew in his heart it was the right choice. Because they didn't want him to get in trouble for forging his dad's signature, they decided that the only choice was to just let him do what he wanted and hope that he would see the error of his ways and only serve for the minimum two years. Well... as it turned out, Gale was nothing short of a genius when it came to military matters. Shooting? He was a perfect shot at every gun they handed to him almost immediately. He absorbed every fighting skill he was shown and could replicate the moves others demonstrated on his first try. Two months into training, he managed to drop Vash himself onto the ground. They said that it was a pure fluke and didn't let him spar with him again after that, but many of the other recruits were convinced that he truly had bested the best in record time. Although his parents were filled with mixed emotions to hear that their son had graduated basic training with honors and distinction, especially when one of the commanders leading the ceremony described him as 'a natural born killer', they were at least glad that he had found something he was passionate about and saw that he was well loved by the other enlistees around him and highly respected.
- Caelia Viride
Age; 18 Affiliation; Insomnia / Amaranthe Likes; magic, fairytales, world history, listening to Athena’s stories, fortunetelling, nature, nighttime, city outskirts, cigarettes (secretly), Rui Dislikes; lack of greenery, clear sunny days, alcohol, xenophobic Insomnians, her sister cutting class, dishonesty/lies Other pics: here ; here Other info; Though she’s more Insomnian than not, Caelia identifies more with Amaranthe. She’s very gullible and trusting somehow, even though Arthur has told his daughters repeatedly to trust no one but each other. He has told Morgan a few times privately that he’s very worried about something bad happening to Caelia one day. Caelia secretly blames herself for their mother leaving them – apparently, their mother didn’t know she was pregnant with twins, and Caelia was a surprise. Even though Arthur insists that she had nothing to do it, she blames herself for it. She thinks Arthur and Morgan would be better off if they didn’t have to deal with her whimsy, and goes to the outskirts of Insomnia often to think about life. She’ll take her sister’s cigarettes with her. Thinks she’s sneaky and clever about it, but Caelia smells strongly of smoke whenever she gets back from her introspective nights. When Caelia’s mad or stressed, she becomes more of her father’s daughter - she’ll swear (a lot) and steal more of Morgan’s cigarettes. Like Morgan, she hates her mother and pretends she doesn’t exist. Some are surprised when they hear her say she’d also beat up her mom if she ever sees her again. Bio; Caelia is the polar opposite of Morgan. They don’t look or act similar at all, and some are surprised to find out they’re related – and twins, no less. People are much more surprised when they meet her father, even though Caelia looks very much like Arthur, they couldn’t be more different in terms of personality. Even though Arthur didn’t really tell them everything about his homeland, Caelia knew she was different from everyone else in Insomnia when she started hearing the sparse greenery speak to her. She told her father once she could hear spirits in the leaves, and he was so shocked that she never brought it up again. After she learned more about Amaranthe via the library, she started realizing why she was so different from everyone. Why she could predict the future from leftover tea or clean up a broken vase with a twist of a wrist. Caelia doesn’t know about her father’s royal lineage as none of the books in the library cover recent events, but she has a desire to travel and find out more about home. Caelia doesn’t share this with anyone, knowing neither her sister nor father care, and tends to keep all the knowledge to herself. Anyone that knows anything about Amaranthe – which is fortunately very few people due to Insomnia’s xenophobic nature – could immediately tell that Caelia is a princess of magic. Due to her time in the library, she’s befriended Rui by proxy. Though she has seen Cardinal in the library at the same time, she is very much afraid of him.
- Marceline "Shadow" Cramoisi
Age; 10 Affiliation; Insomnia Likes; Her mom brushing and braiding her hair, Princesses, long hair, dresses and skirts that twirl, the summer, ice cream, stuffed animals, dolls, flowers, sparkles, sweets Dislikes; bitter food, vegetables (hot peppers particularly), talking to strangers, tattle tale, homework Other info; A surprisingly sharp 10 year-old, she isn’t afraid of blood or death because she has been exposed to it at such a young age. She is surprisingly calm about injuries for an otherwise typical girl her age, and knows some very basic first aid (she is only 10, after all). Bio; One of Lance and Eva’s youngest kids, Marceline is completely ignorant of anything bad her parents have done. As the youngest, she has never seen expressions of her mother’s troubled past in her upbringing like her older siblings have, although Marceline is such a sweet young girl it’s never needed. Though she loves both of her parents, she follows her mother around everywhere. Lance once likened her to Eva’s shadow, and the nickname stuck. She would mimic everything Eva was doing to patients with dolls. She would follow around Eva and help with chores, and brush and do her doll's hair while Eva did her hair. Lance has caught Shadow in their room before, putting on her mother’s jewelry and clothing and pretending to be more adult. Even though she’s generally sweet and a ray of sunshine to everyone who knows her, Shadow is very spoiled – she’ll get fussy and pouty if Eva doesn’t give her enough attention, and especially if she forgets to do her hair! Lance has tried to do it before, but he never makes it look Princessy like her mom does!
- Daphne Quintanilla
Age; Older than she looks (I don’t remember) Affiliation: Insomnia / Police Commissioner Likes; JUSTICE!, superheroes, her cybernetics, her squad, Insomnia, high speed car chases, her super awesome jet feet and cannon arm, her family/kids obviously Dislikes; criminals, swimming/large bodies of water, the beach, suffering, foggy days Other info; Partially because of her cyborg body, she looks only slightly older than she did two and a half decades ago. Daphne is now hackerproof, and is a living database for the city. With advancements made on her hard and software courtesy of Remy and Zuri, she can access all the city’s street cameras with her eyes, can make announcements citywide by tapping into the intercom system easily, and has become an incredibly effective Police Commissioner. Though she can now swim underwater and her hardware has been replaced to be more buoyant and look more human, she still dislikes swimming or the beaches. She’ll stay firmly on lane or in the sky, thank you. Bio; After the events of The Second Ascension, a lot changed with Daphne. She and Remy ended up being what the other needed – with Daphne’s bright attitude and moral compass, she helped Remy be a better person. With Remy’s interest in robotics, she began to look at her cybernetic body as a tool to help people. He was able to study her and make improvements on her machinery which has helped many people who have experienced similar accidents since. Though Insomnia is an incredibly safe place, with the impending war, Ellis increased the amount of police officers in Insomnia in another paramilitary effort, and Daphne considers herself the squad mom of four young officers. She never has been as close to Ellis as the Felicianos, but considers herself his friend anyway. Also interacted with Lance quite a bit while she was pregnant with her children, since her pregnancies had been very high risk due to the interference of her cyborg body. Fortunately, everything turned out fine and with her enhanced capabilities, she’s happy to see out this new phase of justice. Wonders from time to time if V is happy, wherever he is.
- Ryulia Fannar
Age; 32 Affiliation: Silver / Leader of House Fannar Likes; winter/snow, dragons (especially Nexus), swordplay, chess, discipline and those with work ethic, efficiency, good armor, sparring, singing Dislikes; frilly or sexy clothing, weak-willed men, make-up, House Delgado Other pics: Ryulia with no armor Other Info; Ryulia’s reputation is a heartless, taciturn woman. It seems like that’s not entirely true, as some have seen her good side. Because Ceriasus is so remote and mostly needs to import food, she has a good relationship with House Rosenburg, and though she’s a survival of the fittest person, she is almost paradoxically kind to Agatha in particular. Ryulia apparently has a heavenly voice, even better than the most talented songstresses of House Macario, and she’ll sing in the Rosenburg gardens. Most people have never heard her sing as it’s a sign she truly trusts the people around her. She is called the “Snowlight Wraith” in Ceriasus, because citizens claim to see silhouettes of her in snowstorms or around the dragon farm, hearing her haunting songs echoing in the snow. Whether it’s actually her or not, no one knows. Ryulia always wears dragonbone armor, even if she attends House Golden’s extravagant parties. Though she is a feminist and tends to support fellow women, she doesn’t like attending House Golden’s balls. Men have commented that she would be stunning if she actually smiled, wore make-up, and dressed like a woman. Those men have met mysterious fates. She knows Errol is miserable in his marriage and remains unmarried. However, there’s a rumor she has a daughter. Errol can’t even get her to say either way. Bio; Growing up in one of the harshest environments in Silver equates to Ceriasi people being extremely tough and no-nonsense. Ryulia is no different. As daughter of the then-leader of Fannar, she took her role of the next leader very seriously and worked with her older brother Errol to boost the prestige of House Fannar. She was very involved in the dragon farm, and though citizens think of her as heartless because she treats her dragons better than the people, she’s shown to be very loving to the dragons they raise on the farm. It’s very much a win-win relationship. She doesn’t have any favorites as they’re all her favorites, but she wears a whistle around her neck that is at a pitch dragons can hear. Though she’s not personally accompanied the majority of the time, when Ryulia’s around, there’s usually one or two circling overhead not too far in the sky. Because food is scarce in Ceriasus, none of her dragons are as old or big as Nexus, but she hopes to work with House Rosenburg to help facilitate their growth with proper nutrients. Though a house leader, she’s a wonderful swordswoman and has been tapped to lead and train Silver’s dragon troop. However, she was mysteriously absent in the Rubidium uprising. Otherwise, she has orchestrated several strategic plots and experiments to further the status of House Fannar. Because of her intimidating appearance and her stonewall nature, people don’t typically approach her – the citizens of Ceriasus included. She doesn’t senselessly torture people, but she isn’t actively kind to people either. The people of Ceriasus don't love her, but Ryulia has made some strides in improving life there. If only she cared a little bit more about the workers that get accidentally eaten...