Name; Mistle Brumal
Age; 22
Affiliation; Silver / Silver Military (Special Forces)
Bio: -Grew up in a remote village of Ceriasus that is beside a huge frozen lake; often used as training ground for dragons.
-His family ran the only bakery/grocer/restaurant in town, specializing in delicious baked breads.
-The Silver government – whether House Fannar or not – decided to cut power in his town to save energy. For the war on the horizon, they said. The betterment of the country.
-A lot of people in his village started to freeze and starve.
-Ryulia visited just before anyone died, and made an offer no one could refuse. Join the Silver Army, maybe be recruited to be part of a special unit, and families would be moved to Platina or the Ceriasus capital and have housing, food, and safety, provided for them.
-At 16, Mistle signed up. And as promised, his family – his parents, grandparents, and siblings – was moved and given a warm home and food.
-At his young age, he was designated to join this special unit… where, through alchemy, researchers essentially experimented on him and tried to change his genetic make-up.
-The downside, he has to take two pills a day to survive the changes to his body. His left eye changed color, even.
-The plus? He now has an intimate, alchemic knowledge of how to create and manipulate snow/ice via alchemy. Can almost turn anything into icy weapons or shards.
-And because of the testing and ‘training’, Mistle knows how to use it.
-Because of this, Mistle’s part of one of the more dangerous, specialized squads. Ryulia’s no idiot and had been strategizing the creation of this special unit for some time.
-His knowledge of common Silver is broken – better after five years – but still not enough to hold a full convo.
-Favorite thing to do is bake cinnamon rolls and sourdough bread. He’ll leave notes for his squad and hide.
-Doesn’t like the idea of the war and fighting, as the remote village he came from was very close and community based.
-But knows his family is safe because of his participation… and though he does not believe the Silver government would kill them, another word for his family could be considered ‘hostages’.
-If he misses a pill, Mistle will fall very, very sick.