Age: 26
Affiliation: House Rosenburg
- A servant of House Rosenburg for around the last ten years
- His family still lives in Thule and he sends money back to them because they're just poor farmers
- Has numerous younger siblings
- Very intelligent, but forewent going to any formal schooling so he could work to help provide for his siblings
- He does help with Rosenburg siblings with their research, and helped their father before them
- Gets along with Medraut, but he tends to avoid him and often ducks away to avoid talking to him much
- Though he lives with the Rosenburgs, he often leaves for days at a time
- Since this is always the case, Agatha doesn't think much of it since their house has never been strict
- He has gone on numerous trips with the Rosenburgs to Platina and Rudy seems to like him despite his status as a servant
- A bit of a klutz, but otherwise a rather guarded person who seems to be uneasy often