Age: 24
- Ox demihuman, has a long tale like a cow's.
- Nearly 7 feet tall and extremely strong and resilient
- The current chief of Rubidium. He has been in charge since he was only 9. His father was killed in the rebellion and as his eldest son at the time he was next in line. His mother managed most things for him until he was about 15.
- He fought in the uprising despite his young age, because he wanted to prove himself. His dad was killed in the process of saving him, which he has carried through his life.
- A very respected leader among his community, as he steps in to help wherever he goes and makes them feel hopeful for a better future.
- He is cousins with Aigha, through his mother's side of the family which we're not demihumans.
- Very standoffish to outsiders, though he is one of the few in Rubidium that are fluent in Silver Common
- Was nicer to Zain than he ever was with Silver sailors whenever they stopped by, since Rubidium trades with Insomnia and has no bad blood with them.