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7. House Macario

7. House Macario

House Macario runs a little bit differently than the oligarch families. While House Macario is in charge of all entertainment complexes in Silver – everything from the theaters, comedy shows, music, and more – it’s not a blood-related family. It’s a prestigious invite-only group of select entertainment figures in Silver. From singers, to successful managers, to comedians and playwrights – it’s a diverse but small group, and it’s cutthroat to get in. Sometimes literally. Either way, the House has its own rules and regulations to abide by. Though a majority are secret, the rule that’s most well-known is that those who accept the invite abandon their ties to their blood family to show loyalty to Macario and the oligarchy writ large; often that is done through adopting a new name.

The current House leader, Parvaiz Macario, is young – but has been in Macario since he was nine. There are a few rumors about his invite; the most popular rumor is that he played the former House leader in high-stakes poker and she lost. Others say Parvaiz was a child idol and killed the other members of his group to raise his chances. Because of these rumors, House Macario is most commonly associated with casinos and music, although they are behind every single entertainment you can think of – they even manage buskers.

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